This paper presents a method using a spectral approach to simulate a hybrid ground-coupled heat pump system.
IBPSA 2013 - Chambéry, France
International Building Simulation Conference 2013, Chambéry, France.
Contains 470 papers.
Volume content
High-order models of building performance are the preferred tool, but their complexity and time requirements can cause difficulties when attempting to create large sets of models or when used by non-experts.
Towards zero energy industrial halls — simulation and optimization with integrated design approach | 2013 | English
Net-zero energy building (NZEB) is thought to be the building of choice, but in practice, is also synonym to high investment cost.
Building performance simulation often fails to predict accurately the real energy performance, mostly due to great uncertainties in the input data.
Urban energy lifecycle: an analytical framework to evaluate the embodied energy use of urban developments | 2013 | English
Given the dominating impact of the built environment on global carbon emissions, reducing operational energy use in buildings has long been considered a key strategy towards more sustainable urban development.
This paper presents a building energy simulation study of the impact of electrical peak demand reduction strategies in a large office tower in New York that has extensive use of daylight responsive dimmable ballasts, and under floor air distributi
Development of a new tool for the co-simulation using decomposition of building and HVAC systems in sub systems | 2013 | English
Towards the achievement of Nearly-Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB), the call for high performance Building Systems (BS) is undeniable.
Calibration of envelope parameters using control-based heat balance identification and uncertainty analysis | 2013 | English
Building recommissioning in essential in the aging building stock to maintain efficient and comfortable operation as equipment ages and portions of the build-ing are re-purposed for uses other than what was orig-inally intended.
This research proposes a Bayesian approach to include uncertainty that arises from modeling process and input values when predicting cooling and heating consumption in existing buildings. Our approach features Gaussian Process modeling.
The cost of achieving thermal comfort via altering external walls specifications in Egypt; from construction to operation through different climate change scenarios | 2013 | English
In Egypt, the current widely used external walls are preferred in practice to minimize the project's initial cost, regardless of the negative impacts of the thermal comfort on the inhabitants, as well as the impact on the running cost of the energ
Co-simulation between Esp-r and TRNSYS: More highly resolved modelling of integrated building and energy systems | 2013 | English
The analysis of innovative designs that tightly inte-grate architectural and energy systems presents a chal-lenge for existing building performance simulation (BPS) tools.
Reduced order building energy system modeling in large-scale energy system simulations | 2013 | English
The influence of environmental performance on way-finding behavior in evacuation simulation | 2013 | English
Peak heating/cooling load design methods: how we got to where we are today in the U.S. | 2013 | English
Improving the interaction between net-ZEB and the grid using advanced control of heat pumps | 2013 | English
Design principles in Net-ZEB consider the local en-ergy infrastructure as the virtual storage. Thus a large amount of energy exchange occurs with the grid and these buildings rely heavily on the grid to reach an-nual zero balance.
The paper focuses on parameter estimation processes for physically meaningful models tuned online and de-fine a process to determine whether a model is rele-vant or not for GMBA-BEMS tuning purpose.
Probabilistic risk assessment applied to biological growth on external surfaces with ETICs | 2013 | English
The Flemish EPB calculation method, in accordance with the EU EPBD, determines an insulation label and an energy performance label as an assessment method for the theoretical energy performance of buildings.
Air quality monitoring as well as comfort or overall energy performance require accurate information on airflow patterns, while they are particularly difficult to assess in existing buildings.
Building performance simulation using Modelica: analysis of the current state and application areas | 2013 | English
During the last years, the modeling language Modelica became increasingly used in building performance simulation. Several Modelica libraries for building components and HVAC equipment exist and many research groups use the language.