Techical Reports

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In recent years a substantial number of monitoring exercises have been made to determine the way in which occupants react to and/or are affected by the indoor environment. These cover a diverse range of aspects including:
Liddament M W
The first chapter aims to provide the reader with an overview of the basics of acoustics, which are required as part of the ventilation systems design process.
Ling M.K
In recent years, the 'usability' of ventilation and air infiltration models (both public domain and commercially available) has increased greatly. Possible areas of application for 15 such models are identified in this report.
Orme M.
Current ventilation practice in large non-domestic buildings as well as future trends and developments are all examined in this publication. Examples considered include atria, auditoria, sports halls, enclosed shopping malls and offices.
Dickson D.
To quantify the energy impact of air change on total energy use, the AIVC has been conducting a study of current estimates for non-industrial buildings in thirteen major industrialised countries.
Orme M.
As an introductory note, this aims to place the need for cooling for thermal comfort into the context of overall energy efficient building design. Additionally, it stresses the role of ventilation in meeting cooling requirements.
Irving S.
The objectives of this work are: first to determine the theoretical energy requirements per constant mien unit of outdoor air used for ventilation for a number of different climates and locations in North America and Europe; and secondly to determ
Colliver D.
Provides a platform for the dissemination of information related to infiltration, ventilation, indoor air quality and energy use within buildings by means of a survey and analysis of current research.
Limb M.J.
Discusses the issues which influence the performance of heat recovery devices within typical building applications.
Irving S.
Organisations in many countries have contributed data to the AIVC to establish a unique collection of numerical data suitable for design purposes and model evaluation.
Orme M., Liddament M., Wilson A.
The purpose of this comparison of specified airtightness and ventilation rates is to provide a reference document for all those involved in ventilation and building research.
Limb M.J.
The aim of this study is to examine common ventilation and air conditioning systems and strategies for both domestic and commercial buildings in the member countries of the AIVC.
Limb M.J.
The infiltration data set covers December 1990 to October 1991 from Reference Unit #5 at the Alberta Home Heating Research Facility (AHHRF) with a total of 6063 hours of data.
Wilson D., Walker I.
A fundamental objective of this report is to investigate the techniques used in the design and research fields for the evaluation of thermal and airflow simulations.
John F Kendrick
The report begins by reviewing some basic questions about ventilation efficiency. The subject is then presented in greater detail and finally an example of the prediction of ventilation efficiency in an office enclosure is given.
Liddament M.W.
The impact of ventilation on energy use can be considerable. Total building energy use is variously estimated to account for 30% of all energy consumed in International Energy Agency countries.
Liddament M.W.
The glossary provides the definition of 250 terms related to air infiltration and ventilation. The intention of the document is to promote a more uniform use of terms in the area of ventilation.
Limb M.J.
Increased health standards and the need to save energy in colder climates caused residential buildings to advance to the modern airtight and well-insulated dwellings we have today.
Knoll B.
This handbook gives a comprehensive explanation of the theoretical and practical aspects of measuring important parameters for understanding air infiltration and ventilation within buildings.
Roulet C.A., Vandaele L.
