The need for zero carbon buildings is changing the trial-and-error process that Architectural design has traditionally employed towards a system that allows wider analysis capacity at the conceptual stage.
Windsor Conference 2014
This page lists the Proceedings (titles and abstracts) of the 8th Windsor COnference: "Counting the cost of comfort in a changing world" , 10-13 April 2014, in Windsor, UK.
Contains 97 titles and abstracts.
To download the full papers visit the conference website at:
Volume content
Solving the Black Box: Inverse Approach for Ideal Building Dynamic Behaviour Using Multi-Objective Optimization with Energyplus | 2014 | English
Improvement of comfort conditions using confluent jets ventilation located near the floor level in an experimental chamber | 2014 | English
In this work is analyzed the improvement of comfort conditions using confluent jets ventilation located near the floor level in front to the occupants in an experimental chamber.
Cross-Correlations among daily variations of Thermal Control Use, Thermal Sensation, Clothing Insulation and Outdoor Temperature during Cooling Season in Japan | 2014 | English
This survey was designed to investigate university student rooms to realize energy savings related to thermal control use and the relations among thermal sensation, clothing insulation, and outdoor air temperature in pre-cooling and post-cooling s
Increasing personal comfort by heating office building occupants locally means that the lower setpoint for space heating.
A field-comparison of thermal comfort with floor heating systems and air conditioning systems in Japanese homes | 2014 | English
Floor heating is characterized by small horizontal and vertical temperature differences, and might be especially suitable for Japanese homes where it is customary to sit on the floor.
Robust Design for high workers’ performance and low absenteeism – An alternative approach | 2014 | English
Rehva Guide No 6 – Indoor Climate and Productivity in Offices - states as its main purpose to establish quantitative relationships of indoor environmental aspects with performance and sickness absenteeism.
Application of the adaptive model proposed by ASHRAE 55 in the Brazilian climate context: raising some issues | 2014 | English
This paper evaluates the adaptive method application proposed by the last version of ASHRAE 55 (2013) standard in two different climates in Brazil.
In 2004 the first adaptive thermal comfort guideline was introduced in the Netherlands. Recently a new, upgraded version of this ISSO 74 (ATG) guideline has been developed.
Evaluating the effect of occupant behaviour and expectations on actual energy use and environmental conditions in ‘sustainable’ social housing in South East England | 2014 | English
This paper investigates the effect of occupant behaviour and expectations on energy use and indoor environmental conditions of six case study dwellings in three sustainable social housing developments in UK using building performance evaluation me
Presenting LOBSTER, an innovative climate chamber, and the analysis of the effect of a ceiling fan on the thermal sensation and performance under summer conditions in an office-like setting | 2014 | English
Thermal comfort studies have been performed so far either in closed climate chambers with controlled conditions or non-controlled conditions during field studies.
What is the relationship between humidity and comfort at high temperatures? In search of new ways of looking at the issue | 2014 | English
This draft paper was developed as a stalking horse for the Windsor 2014 Conference workshop on Statistics, It presents the results of summer time field work undertaken by Abdulrahman Alsheikh in the region of Damman, Saudi Arabia and the data coll
Daylighting is still the most energy efficient lighting strategy, but filtering sunlight might conflict with maximization of solar gains in winter or reducing solar heat gain in summer.
It is common knowledge that occupants’ behaviour on building control systems plays a significant role to achieve comfortable indoor environmental conditions.
This paper makes the assertion that established concepts from thermal comfort research might be used to develop an adaptive comfort model for lighting.
A field study of thermal comfort in transitional spaces in buildings in Cardiff, UK | 2014 | English
Transitional spaces are the spaces influenced by the outdoor climate and yet are architecturally bounded by a building envelope.
Analyzing night time wind speed reduction effects from densification on predicted outdoor thermal comfort in a subtropical setting | 2014 | English
The relationship between urban growth and the formation of urban heat islands, i.e.
Investigation of the outdoor thermal comfort and clothing insulation in Hachiko Square in Tokyo | 2014 | English
In order to clarify the outdoor thermal comfort and clothing, the thermal measurements (air temperature) and thermal comfort survey were conducted in Hachiko Square which is located in the Shibuya station, Tokyo.
Thermal acceptability for urban parks in tropics: Evaluating the effects of environmental attributes on user perceived controls | 2014 | English
Though wider diversities of environmental attributes are intrinsic in water fringed urban parks, these parks are less represented in the previous studies.
The impact of the Urban Heat Island in the energy consumption and overheating of domestic buildings in London | 2014 | English
Considering the adaptive comfort approach, this article estimates if interior conditions in London’s naturally ventilated residential stock are comfortable under the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect and predicts if climate change will further affect
Study on Evaluation of Effects of Inhomogeneous Radiant Environment for Pedestrian in Summer Season using a Coupled Numerical Simulation based on CFD Analysis | 2014 | English
In this paper, we propose a new calculation method for evaluating the inhomogeneous outdoor thermal environment by incorporating a multi-node human thermoregulation model into the simulation method based on CFD analysis of the outdoor thermal envi