The 2nd AIVC Conference - Building design for minimum air infiltration, was held in Stockholm, Sweden, 21-23 September 1981.
Contains 12 papers
The AIVC holds a conference each year in September/October in one of the AIVC participating countries, presenting papers on a variety of topics on the fields of (smart) ventilation, building & ductwork airtightness, (resilient) ventilative cooling, Indoor Environmental Quality and more.
This section contains the AIVC Conference Proceedings and/or presentations from the first AIVC Conference in 1980 onward.
The ISSN number of the AIVC Conference Proceedings (online) is: ISSN: 3041-5128.
The 2nd AIVC Conference - Building design for minimum air infiltration, was held in Stockholm, Sweden, 21-23 September 1981.
Contains 12 papers
The 1st AIVC Conference -Air infiltration instrumentation and measuring techniques, was held in Windsor, Berkshire, UK, 6-8 October 1980.
Contains 12 papers