The IAQ performance-based regulation in Spain: description, identified problems for its application, and foreseen changes

Efforts must be made to promote the use of efficient ventilation systems in buildings with the aim of reducing energy demand, as ventilation is a major source of energy loss. Nevertheless, the implementation of efficient ventilation systems is frequently constrained by regulations. It is therefore essential that governments and regulatory bodies facilitate and even encourage the use of appropriate solutions through the introduction of performance-based regulations. 

Air Quality in car parks: regulations

This paper shows the results of a survey conducted among 10 AIVC members countries about air quality in garages and current requirements and regulations in this regard. Large differences were found among countries, not only in terms of the scope of the regulations, but also in relation to the parameters that are considered.  

Critical appraisal of the setting and implementation of indoor exposure limits in the EU (INDEX) A project funded by the European Commission-DG SANCO

The aim of this 24 months' project is to create a European network in the area of indoor air pollution with the listing of priority substances to be regulated indoors, recommendations, legislation... at world scale.

The swedish code of statutes SFS 1991 : 1273 compulsory ventilation checks

In recent years, poor indoor climate has caused health problems for building occupants. Sometimes these problems have been so serious that these buildings have, quite rightly, been labelled sick buildings.Today, there is good evidence in some areas as to why such problems arise. Unhealthy substances given off by various building materials, the existence of mould and general air pollution are the main causes. Another important factor is the high level of humidity in buildings and indoor air.In general, the most important way to remedy the problem is to improve ventilation.

Unravelling airtightness

With the application of part L2 of the Building Regulations in the UK, new buildings with excessive air leakage have no longer been acceptable. All new commercial and public building over 1000 m2 must be tested for airtightness. An air permeability formula measures the envelope of walls, roof and ground floor area. This paper explains why bother about air leakage, and what desginers and constructors must do, and how the testing for airtightness should be carried out. The essential message is : build tight - ventilate right.

Current approaches for mechanical ventilation of houses

Current approach for design and installation of mechanical ventilation systems in houses is described in the framework of Canadian building codes and standards, which contain requirements about air change rates, air distribution, sound level, interference with other systems or building envelope.

European collaboration on energy performance regulations (European project ENPER-TEBUC)

The central subject of this Workshop was the challenge offered by energy performance regulations to find adequate solutions for the integration of innovative technologies in such regulations.

Implications of adopting the national energy code for housing in Ontario.

This study examines a broad range of implications associated with the adoption of the National Energy Code for Housing (NECH) in Ontario. It is based on Public Review Draft 1.0 of the NECH. This study compares the OBC and the NECH providing commentary on key differences between the documents. It examines the energy, environmental and industry implications of adopting the NECH in Ontario. It reviews the cost implications of adoption from a capital, energy and life cycle viewpoint while examining environmental costs by monetizing space heating equipment emissions.
