Facial skin symptoms in visual display terminal (VDT) workers. A case-referent study of personal, psychosocial, building- and VDT-related risk indicators.

Refers to the Office Illness Project from northern Sweden which showed that female gender, asthma/rhinitis, high psychosocial workload, visual display terminal and paperwork were related to an increased prevalence of facial skin symptoms. The study reported in this article used data from the Swedish study's questionnaire, supplemented with information from a clinical examination, a survey of psychosocial factors at work, building data and VDT-related factors from inspection and measurements taken at the workplace.

."Spreading the word": toward a multiple layer program for information dissemination.

Why is bioclimatic architecture not as popular as other environmentally conscious" concepts? What are the possible loopholes in current practices and how could these be taken care of? To answer such questions, this paper attempts to trace the synergetic effects of different activities within the context of Israel, and in particular that of the Israeli desert.

KLIMEN - a computer program for ventilation and air conditioning systems.

Fast development of computer technology and the greater use of it in all spheres of activity have caused the development of software support in the field of HV AC systems. Considering the fact that today time is of great value and that contemporary technical systems demand economy and rationalisation of operating costs and energy, the qualitative and user-friendly computer-aided engineering is of maximum importance.

Office sickness.

CONTAM93 User manual.

Airguide: a guide to the AIVC's bibliographic database.

Manual describing operation of the AIVC's database, "Airbase".

Energy tools for designers.
