Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Wed, 06/18/2014 - 11:28
Interior-surface condensation on the glazed curtain wall of high-rise residential buildings is an important environmental issue in Korea. There are three causes of the surface condensation. One is the curtain wall frame materials, another is the generated moisture from residents' behaviors such as cooking and drying the laundry, the other is inadequate ventilation caused by stack effect.
The characteristics of climate in Japan are hot and humid in summer, with cold and dry winter. For thisreason, mold growing in rooms is common during summer period. On the other hand, in winter, due tospace heating, indoor environment is over-dry as a result of low humidity.
In an indirect evaporative cooling (IEC) installation the extracted air is cooled by means of adiabatichumidification. By passing over an air/air heat exchanger this air cools down the supply air. A clearinteraction can be observed between the relative humidity of the extracted air and the thermal comfortrealized in the building.
In this study the COwZ model (COMIS with sub-zones) was modified to allow dynamic simulations ofindoor thermal conditions, humidity and pollutant transport and concentrations throughout wholebuildings. The new version of COwZ may be used to predict the impact of heat supply and ventilation options on indoor conditions, particularly temperature and humidity, over extended periods, with dynamic weather conditions and varying occupant activities.