Similitude analysis of ventilation by the stack effect from an open ridge livestock structure.

Uses a similitude approach to develop predictive graphs for the ventilation rate due to the stack or chimney effect. Uses a half scale model of an open side wall structure with a continuous and restricted open ridge, and finds that:< 1. Ventilation rate is approximately proportional to ridge outlet width< 2. Outlet Reynolds number response ie ventilation rate to changes in Grashof number is a function of the ratio between building height and ridge width.

The open ridge as a ventilator in livestock buildings.

The open ridge is a ventilator commonly used in cattle buildings. Reviews literature on the open ridge. Finds that there is outright disagreement between the sources referenced. Describes wind tunnel study to show whether or not the ridge design could influence the pressure coefficients when subject to wind. Finds there is no practical difference in pressure coefficients generated at the ridge of a building whether there are no upstands, upstands alone or with caps. For a 0deg.