Webinar on ventilative cooling potential and compliance in Energy Performance regulations

This webinar is part of a broader series focusing on ventilative cooling in energy performance, within the context of compliance with building regulations in several countries.


37th AIVC - Call for abstracts extended

The abstract submission deadline for the 37th AIVC - ASHRAE - IAQ joint Conference “Defining Indoor Air Quality: Policy, Standards and Best Practices” has been extended. The extended deadline for abstract submission is now December 14, 2015

Visit the conference website for more information at:  https://www.aivc.org/event/12-14-september-2016-conference-alexandria-va-37th-aivc-ashrae-iaq-joint-conference


Extended deadlines for Clima 2016

The abstract and paper submission deadlines for the CLIMA 2016, to be held in Aalborg, Denmark on 22-25 May 2016, have been extended.

The extended deadline for abstract submission is now December 20 2015. Full papers are due by 31 January 2016.

Authors are kindly invited to submit their abstracts following the online submission system.

Visit the conference website for more information.


CIBSE Natural Ventilation News- November 2015 issue now available

The November 2015 issue of the CIBSE Natural Ventilation News is now available. This Newsletter, aims to inform members and potential members of the work being undertaken by the Group to benefit the discipline of natural ventilation within CIBSE.

Contents include:


Summary of the 36th AIVC Conference 2015 – Airtightness Track available now

Around 160 participants attended the joint 36th AIVC – 5th TightVent – 3rd venticool conference held in Madrid, Spain September 23-24, 2015. The programme consisted of 3 parallel sessions with contributions from 27 countries and international organisations.

Over 120 presentations were given covering topics ranging from air infiltration through leaks in the building envelope and ductwork, ventilation in relation to IAQ and health, ventilative cooling and thermal comfort.


IEA EBC Annex 68: “Indoor Air quality Design and Control in Low Energy Residential Buildings” approved.

In November 2015, the Executive Committee of the  International Energy Agency Energy in Buildings and Communities (IEA EBC) programme approved Annex 68 “Indoor Air quality Design and Control in Low Energy Residential Buildings” for a four years working and reporting phase. The project will be investigating how to ensure that future low energy buildings are able both to improve their energy performance and to provide comfortable and healthy indoor environments.

The two main objectives for the project are:


Call for abstracts for the CLIMA 2016- Abstracts due Nov-30-2015

The 12th REHVA World Congress CLIMA 2016 will be a central event in 2016 for presentation of recent international research activities and their research achievement. Many researchers from IEA and EU projects will at special sessions present their latest research results and in workshops discuss findings and future directions. 


IEA EBC Annex 62 releases new report on the state of the art in ventilative cooling

The IEA EBC Annex 62 report: “Ventilative Cooling. State-of-The-Art Review” has just been released.


QUALICHeCK-TightVent webinar: “Building airtightness and initiatives to improve the quality of the works”- January 12, 2016

The QUALICHeCK-TightVent webinar: “Building airtightness and initiatives to improve the quality of the works” will be held on Tuesday 12 January, 10:00-11:30 (Brussels time). The objective of this webinar is to give background information on selected initiatives to improve the quality of the works with respect to building airtightness.

The programme includes 4 presentations of 15 minutes as follows:


Webinar on ventilative cooling potential in Energy Performance regulations

The principal objective of this webinar series is to give the status, needs, and perspectives on developments to consider ventilative cooling in energy performance assessment methods in several countries. This first webinar will focus on the developments in Austria, Denmark and France.

