IEA EBC approves extension for AIVC (2017-2021)

On June 9, the executive committee of the IEA Technical Collaboration Programme Buildings and Communities (EBC TCP), previously called the implementing agreement on buildings and Communities, approved a new extension period for the AIVC for the period 2017 till 2021, i.e. a 5 years extension.

During this new period, no radical changes in the overall operation of the AIVC is foreseen but, of course, there will be an evolution in the priorities for the AIVC.

8 specific topics of interest have been identified, i.e.:

Ventilation and airtightness in relation to:


TN 68: Residential Ventilation and Health

Exposures in homes constitute the major part of exposures to airborne pollutants experienced through the human lifetime. They can constitute from 60 to 95% of our total lifetime exposures, of which 30% occurs when we sleep.

QUALICHeCK Workshop on summer comfort

The 2nd QUALICHeCK Workshop will be held in Athens, Greece, on 9-10 March 2016, and will focus on sustainable summer comfort technologies. Within the context of compliance and quality, topics to be covered include solar control, developments in cooling technologies and potential for advanced cooling, status on ventilative cooling, cool roofs and more. In addition, summer comfort will be examined from the perspectives of energy, climate change and energy poverty.


AIVC 2015 Conference - Abstract submission open

The abstract submission of the 36th AIVC Conference is now open.

Deadline for Abstract submission is March 27, 2015

Registration information will follow soon so stay tuned.

Please visit the conference website at:


35th AIVC conference in Poznań, Poland!

The 35th AIVC conference 'Ventilation and airtightness in transforming the building stock to high performance' will be held in Poznan, Poland, 24-25 September, 2014 in conjunction with the 2nd venticool conference and the 4th TightVent conference. Best papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of the “International Journal of Ventilation”.


New AIVC website on-line!

We are pleased to present you the new AIVC website. Since 2001, the AIVC website had the same look and feel and we thought it was time for a fundamental change. We hope that this new website will please you.

In addition to the new look and feel, some of the major changes are:


AIVC 2023 Conference Proceedings now available!

We are happy to announce that the book of proceedings, PowerPoint presentations and individual papers from the AIVC 2023 conference "Ventilation, IEQ and health in sustainable buildings" held on 4-5 October 2023, in Copenhagen, Denmark are now available to download freely.


Measurement for Exterior Wall Airtightness of High-Rise Buildings Using Stack Effect/Individual Air Conditioning and Outdoor Air Entering through Entrance Doors

Airtightness of exterior walls in buildings has a great impact on indoor environment, energy consumption and overall building performance. However, the measurement of exterior wall airtightness is not easy, especially in high-rise buildings. There are international standards for measurement of exterior wall airtightness by using blowers to pressurize the buildings but with some technical challenges and limitations.

The main objective of this project is to develop an AIVC technical note.

Designing building ventilation for epidemic and disaster preparedness

Epidemic and disaster preparedness of buildings and systems is a key area of concern. The study of how building ventilation and airtightness may contribute to disaster preparedness may lead to better guidelines for design and operation of ventilation systems for exceptional hazardous conditions, including hazards related to infectious aerosols. During the COVID-19 pandemic it has become clear that most buildings are not designed and not able to be operated to sufficiently manage infection risk of airborne pathogens.

Feedback from the AIVC & venticool webinar "Exploring window opening behaviour for optimal cooling and thermal comfort"

We're excited to announce that the recordings and presentation slides from the AIVC & venticool webinar "Exploring window opening behaviour for optimal cooling and thermal comfort", which took place on March 26, 2024, are now accessible online here.

