P. Sakulpipatsin, J.J.M. Cauberg, H.J. van der Kooi and L.C.M. Itard
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, 2007, Beijing, China

This work presents energy and exergy comparison of several design options for combination between dwelling ventilation and domestic hot water production. The dwelling ventilation uses mechanical exhaust with natural air supply (without heat recovery) or balanced ventilation with heat recovery. The outlet ventilation air is used as a heat source for domestic hot water, by using a heat exchanger or a heat pump. Energy and exergy demands for DeBilt, the Netherlands, are presented at the component level, in terms of heat and electricity, for the dwelling ventilation systems and for the domestic hot water production systems. Energy and exergy results are presented in seasonal and annual. Exergy uses for the energy (heat and electricity) productions are presented as well for the system components, to determine whether the main exergy use comes from the energy supply side or from the energy demand side. Recommendations for design are finally made.