Orme M S
Bibliographic info:
15th AIVC Conference "The Role of Ventilation", Buxton, UK, 27-30 September 1994

Building airtightness data are essential for design and model evaluation. An attempt has been made with the Numerical Database to compile data appropriate toinfiltration and ventilation studies. These cover the air leakage characteristics of building components, the characteristics of buildings themselves and data on wind pressure distributions. AIVC Technical Note 44 (Orme, Liddament, and Wilson 1994), contains detailed summary tables and graphs of the information stored in the computer Database, together with a complete list of references. Technical Note 44 also discusses wind pressure distributions on buildings. This paper outlines some potential applications of the Numerical Database and illustrates one of these with a worked example. It also briefly discusses how airtightness is represented in the Database.