Damien Casetta, Cynthia Nerbollier, Guillaume Brecq, Pascal Stabat, Dominique Marchio
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, 2015, Hyderabad, India

This research aims to define a modelling approach to simulate District Cooling Systems (DCS). A model of the network has been developed using the equation-based object-oriented language Modelica. This model includes a cooling production plant, a distribution network of pipes and 6 substations. This integrated modelling approach allows us to study interactions between substations cooling demand and cooling production plant efficiency. Hourly measurements from Eastern Paris DCS are used as inputs for cooling demand. A simplified model of substations with ideal control has been developed. A performance-based model of electric chiller taking into account variable evaporator entering conditions has also been developed. System simulation results are presented and discussed. Chiller electricity consumption accounts for 61% of total electricity consumption. CPU time is of 30 s for a simulation period of 1 week. As an application, an alternative control strategy at substations level is evaluated. Impacts on electricity consumption of chiller, chilledwater pump and distribution pump are analyzed and discussed. In our case study, total electricity consumption reduction is not significant.