Shelly Miller, Matthew McQueen, Shannon Horn, Timothy Lockhart
Languages: English | Pages: 5 pp
Bibliographic info:
41st AIVC/ASHRAE IAQ- 9th TightVent - 7th venticool Conference - Athens, Greece - 4-6 May 2022

The University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder) is in Boulder, Colorado USA at 5280 feet above sea level. The campus has approximately 12 million square feet of infrastructure spanning over 100 years of building infrastructure evolution. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the University employed a science-based approach with campus researchers including aerosol scientists and campus epidemiologist and industry standards to inform a layered risk management strategy for an on-campus learning experience during the pandemic. This strategy was applied campus wide and specifically informed higher risk activities such as singing, music, theater, dance, athletic activities, as well as lecture, labs, and maker spaces. Through contract tracing and testing the campus reported 52 positive cases, where infected students had spent time in at least one classroom. It was determined that the infected student(s) had not spread the virus to other students who had been in the classroom due to the control measures and strategy that was employed. The campus response and risk management approach are summarized in this paper, as well as, the science that informed the strategy, the infrastructure modifications applied, and lessons learned from the data that was collected such as trends for CO2, temperature, CO2 and particle measurements during high aerosol activities, HEPA air cleaner placement, and data collected through contact tracing. Lessons learned from the effort will also be described to help improve post pandemic operations, assist others to operate during a pandemic, and plan for future pandemic scenarios which are primarily aerosol driven.