David Pruitt
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, 7, 2001, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, p. 685-688

Building   Integrated   Photovoltaic   (BIPV)   system implementation is on the rise worldwide. A computer modeling tool was developed to predict BIPV system power generation in commercial buildings. This tool utilizes hourly weather data files and  complex Electric Utility tariff structures to predict BIPV system power output as well as providing economic analysis. A number of cities and building  facade angles were modeled to test the predictive nature of this tool. A 35 degree photovoltaic (PV) module tilt angle (90 being vertical) proved to be the most efficient design, with simple economic paybacks ranging from 31 to 39 years. The results  closely agreed with previously published data on PV generation, thereby validating the tool’s accuracy. Furthermore, this tool has built-in flexibility to adapt quickly  to  changes  in  PV  technology  and  Electric Utility tariffs.