New standardization projects relevant to ventilative cooling applications have officially been initiated under Technical Committees (TC) in the European Committee for Standardization (CEN/TC 156) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO/TC 205) since 2017. These projects aim to make technical documents focusing on design aspects and setting criteria for ventilative cooling, and natural & hybrid ventilation systems in residential and non-residential buildings.


In the meantime, following the successful completion of the International Energy Agency's Energy in Buildings and Communities Programme (IEA- EBC) Annex 62 Ventilative Cooling after a four-year working period, the new Annex 80 Resilient Cooling is now in its preparation phase underlining the need for intelligent strategies for the reduction of overheating which at the same time are as cost-effective, energy-efficient and low-carbon solutions.


The 40th AIVC and 6th venticool conference to be held in Ghent, Belgium on 15- 16 October 2019 will be the dissemination channel for annex 80 & other EBC projects and the central place to discuss building ventilation challenges and opportunities related to Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ).


The 13th issue of the venticool newsletter aims to give a good overview of these activities. Specific contents include:


  • Foreword
  • Feedback from the 39th AIVC & 5th venticool conference: Summary of the ventilative cooling track
  • 15 -16 October 2019 - 40th AIVC & 6th venticool conference in Ghent, Belgium
  • The recently adopted IEA EBC Annex 80 on Resilient Cooling
  • Ongoing standardization projects on ventilative cooling, and natural & hybrid ventilation systems
  • IEA EBC Annex 62 releases its final report on ventilative cooling


Release date

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Newsletter free version (public)