Welcome to the December 2019 issue of the venticool newsletter! In this edition, we are pleased to share highlights of our recent AIVC-venticool- TightVent joint conference “From Energy crisis to sustainable indoor climate – 40 years of AIVC" held on 15-16 October in Ghent, Belgium. Moreover, we provide feedback on CEN and ISO standardization projects on Ventilative cooling and Natural and Hybrid ventilation systems as well as updates on the recent activities of the IEA EBC annex 80 on resilient cooling. As we look towards the new year, we would like to invite you to the AIVC – ASHRAE IAQ –venticool & TightVent joint conference "IAQ 2020: Indoor Environmental Quality Performance Approaches Transitioning from IAQ to IEQ" in September 2020 in Athens (abstracts submission is due December 23).


Specific contents include:

  • Foreword
  • IEA EBC Annex 80 on resilient cooling
  • Feedback from the 40th AIVC & 6th venticool conference: Summary of the ventilative cooling & HVAC track
  • Ongoing standardization projects on ventilative cooling, and natural & hybrid ventilation systems
  • 14 ‐16 September 2020 – 41st AIVC – ASHRAE IAQ & 9th TightVent ‐7th venticool joint conference in Athens, Greece
  • Sustainable Energy for ALL (SEforALL)


Release date

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Newsletter free version (public)