22-25 May, 2022, Conference, Rotterdam – CLIMA 2022

The REHVA World Congress CLIMA is the leading international scientific congress in the field of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC).

CLIMA 2022 takes place 22nd – 25th of May 2022 both in Ahoy Rotterdam as well as online. Don’t miss out on this great event and book your tickets, either for the live or online experience.


AIVC 2022 Conference, Rotterdam – 5-6 October, 2022

We are pleased to announce that the AIVC 2022 Conference “Ventilation Challenges in a changing world" is now accepting abstracts & proposals for topical sessions. The Conference will be held on October 5-6, 2022, at the Hilton Hotel, in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. It will be a joint event combined with the 10th TightVent and the 8th venticool conferences.


5-6 October 2022, Conference, Rotterdam – 42nd AIVC conference

The 42nd AIVC conference: "Ventilation Challenges in a Changing World" was held on 5-6 October 2022 in Rotterdam, together with the 10th TightVent conference and the 8th venticool conference. There were 142 participants from 22 countries.

The conference consisted of 3 parallel sessions largely devoted to:



Applicability of a simple and new airtightness measuring method and further comparisons with blower door measurements

The building airtightness is essential to achieve a high energy performance. In most countries however, it is not mandatory to measure the airtightness. In the Netherlands it is common practice to just take a couple samples in a housing project. These samples do not give a good indication for all the buildings in a project. It is therefore important to measure the airtightness of all the buildings.

Analysis of convective heat transfer coefficient correlations for ventilative cooling based on reduced-scale measurements

Ventilative cooling can be used as a passive cooling measure to reduce the cooling energy demand of buildings. It can be used during the day, directly removing excessive heat gains, or during the night (i.e. night flush), in which cold outdoor air flows through the building and cools down the indoor air volume and subsequently the thermal mass of the building. Night flushing reduces the indoor air temperatures at the beginning of the next day and the cooling demand over the day.

CO2 concentration of the surrounding air near sleeping infants inside a crib

The indoor air quality is very important for the well-being of occupants, especially in the case of young babies. This research focuses on the air quality of the surrounding air inside a crib with sleeping infants. To study the effects of different sleeping positions of the baby with in the crib a measurement setup was created in the laboratory. The breathing of an infant was simulated by means of a baby doll with air supply mixed with CO2 and measured at different sensor locations for different sleeping positions.

Commission and performance contracting of ventilation systems in practice. Determination, analyses and consequences for practitioners and contractors

Studies in the Netherlands show that ventilation systems of dwellings don’t comply with building regulations. The main shortcoming is insufficient ventilation. This applies to both the house as a whole as to individual rooms. Ventilation systems produce too much noise, for example due to the lack of adequate silencers, the location of the ventilation unit and the dimensions of the air ducts.  Because ventilation systems make so much noise when operating at high flow, the ventilation is often only set to the lowest speed (van Dijken, 2011).

When the EPR hits the fan, or…the killing of the fan energy

The last decades big steps have been made on the road to develop and design energy neutral buildings. Despite the large list of developments and improvements of all kind of energy saving technologies we see specifically for the larger non-residential buildings that the electric energy use for fans hardly show any reduction and becomes a dominant factor in the total energy use of these buildings. The fan energy currently counts already for approximately 15-20% of the total building related energy and becomes increasingly important. 

Indoor air quality in Nearly Zero Energy Buildings, reduction of exposure

Various studies show a deterioration in indoor air quality after renovation and energy saving measures. NZEB dwellings are at the moment at an airtightness level, that the old slogan make buildings airtight and ventilate right is an very import solution for a good IAQ, but not without source control. 
