The indoor air quality is very important for the well-being of occupants, especially in the case of young babies. This research focuses on the air quality of the surrounding air inside a crib with sleeping infants. To study the effects of different sleeping positions of the baby with in the crib a measurement setup was created in the laboratory. The breathing of an infant was simulated by means of a baby doll with air supply mixed with CO2 and measured at different sensor locations for different sleeping positions. The results show an enormous increase in the CO2 concentration (up to 4 times) depending on the sleeping position of the infant, and also show the effect of a more open crib. The effect of the position of the baby on the CO2 concentrations inside the crib are compared with the background level in the sleeping quarter.
CO2 concentration of the surrounding air near sleeping infants inside a crib
Languages: English | Pages: 10 pp
Bibliographic info:
40th AIVC - 8th TightVent - 6th venticool Conference - Ghent, Belgium - 15-16 October 2019