The Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre (AIVC) together with Fraunhofer IBP in Germany organize a workshop entitled “Indoor Environmental Quality in Sustainable Buildings" to be held on 1-2 April 2025 in Stuttgart, Germany.
The 1 ½ day workshop provides the opportunity to German researchers and engineers, as well as international experts, to present and discuss recent developments in relation to indoor environmental quality, ventilation, health and sustainability of the building stock.
This workshop is part of a series of annual international workshops, which are organized by AIVC in collaboration with national research centers or energy authorities. These workshops also target regional issues in relation to ventilation and infiltration, as part of a process of knowledge generation.
The following sub-themes will be addressed:
- Status of implementation of EPBD recast
- IAQ in relation to health
- IEQ in sustainable buildings
- Case studies in schools & care facilities
- Demand and personal control, user interaction
Day 1 - Tuesday, April 1, 2025 | ||||
Opening Session | ||||
09:00 | Welcome on behalf of Fraunhofer IBP | Gunnar Grün, Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP, Germany | Abstract | PPT |
09:20 | Overview of AIVC, TightVent & venticool | Arnold Janssens, AIVC Operating Agent/INIVE/UGent, Belgium | Abstract | PPT |
09:30 | Introduction Heinz Trox Foundation | Christine Roßkothen, Heinz Trox Foundation, Germany | Abstract | PPT |
09:40 | Impact of indoor air quality on health | Ulrich Zißler, Technische Hochschule Rosenheim, Germany | Abstract | PPT |
Status of implementation of EPBD-recast | ||||
10:05 | Addressing Indoor Environmental Quality and inspection of ventilation systems: provisions in the EPBD Recast | Marco Morini, European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy (DG ENER), Belgium | Abstract | PPT |
10:25 | EPBD and Consequences for National Implementation and Relation to other EU-Legislation | Claus Händel, Fachverband Gebäude-Klima e.V., Germany | Abstract | PPT |
10:45 | Coffee Break | |||
11:15 | Net Zero Energy Codes in Canada | Iain A Macdonald, National Research Council (NRC), Canada | Abstract | PPT |
11:30 | European Calculation Tools for Energy Efficient Buildings | Simon Wössner, Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP, Germany | Abstract | PPT |
11:45 | Discussion | |||
12:15 | Lunch | |||
IAQ in relation to health | ||||
13:15 | Smart IAQ Management: Enhancing Energy Efficiency in Partially Occupied Office Buildings | Lukas Schmitt, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany | Abstract | PPT |
13:30 | DALY-approach | Benjamin Jones, University of Nottingham, UK | Abstract | PPT |
13:45 | IEA-EBC Annex 86: a performance based assessment method or a rating ecology? | Jelle Laverge, Ghent University, Belgium | Abstract | PPT |
14:00 | Smart ventilation performance from an international perspective | Gaëlle Guyot & Jean Paul E. Harrouz, Cerema, France | Abstract | PPT |
14:15 | Concepts of air purification efficiency tests under realistic conditions with continuous bioaerosol source and evaluation of the test results | Andreas Schmohl, Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP, Germany | Abstract | PPT |
14:30 | Discussion | |||
14:50 | Coffee Break | |||
IEQ in sustainable buildings | ||||
15:20 | The TAIL rating schemes for offices and schools are the way to reduce carbon emissions and improve IEQ | Pawel Wargocki, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark | Abstract | PPT |
15:35 | Solution to Improve IEQ in Classrooms | Dirk Müller, Heinz Trox Wissenschafts gGmbH, Germany | Abstract | PPT |
15:50 | IEA EBC Annex 97 / IEA CITIES Task 5 - Sustainable Cooling in Cities | Peter Holzer, Institute of Building Research & Innovation, Austria | Abstract | PPT |
16:05 | Indoor Environmental Quality in Home Offices: A Proof-of-Concept Study on Pleasure and Discomfort | Peiman Pilehchi Ha, Universitätsklinikum Aachen, Germany | Abstract | PPT |
16:20 | Assessment of the impact of climate change on thermal comfort in buildings, taking account of occupant behaviour and the urban context | Bassam Moujalled, Cerema, France | Abstract | PPT |
16:35 | Noise characteristics and psychoacoustic of outdoor heat pumps | David Goecke, Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP, Germany | Abstract | PPT |
16:50 | Environmental impact of heating and ventilation systems in the LCA of a Flemish single-family dwelling | Yanaika Decorte, Ghent University, Belgium | Abstract | PPT |
17:05 | Indoor Climate in the Spotlight: Between Health Protection and Energy Efficiency | Lukas Siebler, University of Stuttgart, Germany | Abstract | PPT |
17:20 | Discussion | |||
17:50 | End of Day 1 | |||
Day 2 - Wednesday, April 2, 2025 | ||||
09:00 | IEQ, Ventilation and energy performance of buildings | Thomas Hartmann, Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany | Abstract | PPT |
Case studies schools and care facilities | ||||
09:20 | Indoor Air Quality in Naturally Ventilated Classrooms and Offices | James A. McGrath, Maynooth University (MU), Ireland | Abstract | PPT |
09:35 | Improving IAQ in school and Non-residential buildings: case studies | Cécile Caudron, Cerema, France | Abstract | PPT |
09:50 | A controlled intervention study in two schools: impact and benefits of the air cleaning measures implemented | Liang Grace Zhou, National Research Council (NRC), Canada | Abstract | PPT |
10:05 | Improving air quality in UK schools: SAMHE – Schools’ Air quality Monitoring for Health and Education | Henry Burridge, Imperial College London, UK | Abstract | PPT |
10:20 | Ventilation concepts in classrooms: Results of a long-term study in three elementary schools | Susanna Bordin, Technische Hochschule Nürnberg, Germany | Abstract | PPT |
10:35 | Discussion | |||
11:00 | Coffee Break | |||
Demand and personal control, user interaction | ||||
11:30 | NudgeFlow: The next generation of residential ventilation - tweaking the natural air flow with distributed components | Hilde Breesch, KU Leuven, Belgium | Abstract | PPT |
11:45 | Performance of Personalized Ventilation and Chair Fans: Experimental Measurements in a multi-occupied Living Lab | Douaa Al Assaad, KU Leuven, Belgium | Abstract | PPT |
12:00 | Why is PECS not a mainstream product today? | Bjarne W. Olesen, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark | Abstract | PPT |
12:15 | Discussion & Closing | |||
12:45 | Lunch | |||
13:45 | End of Workshop |
The workshop is organized by Fraunhofer IBP together with the Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre (AIVC) and facilitated by INIVE (International Network for Information on Ventilation and Energy Performance).
The workshop will take place at: Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP (Nobelstr. 12, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany).
This workshop is financially and technically supported by The Heinz Trox Foundation.
Participation in the workshop is free. Registration is now available here.
Registration will close on Friday, March 21, 2025, and is limited to 170 participants.
Accommodation & Transportation
Detailed information about possibilities for accommodation and public transport is available here.