The second conference on compliance and quality of works for energy efficiency in buildings will be organised in Brussels on 4 September 2015.
The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive recast introduced in 2010 two important articles requiring Member States to implement independent control systems for the Energy Performance Certificates (article 18) and penalties in case of non-compliance (article 27). Although often overlooked, these aspects are essential to meet the overall goal of the EPBD, i.e., to generalise Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEB) in practice.
The Commission has launched a public consultation process which will run until 31 October 2015 for the evaluation and review of the present EPBD. The 2nd International QUALICHeCK Conference gives a major physical opportunity to share experience and discuss perspectives on the implementation of articles 18 and 27. The discussions will expand to the quality of the works which is another essential element to meet NZEB standards, although not addressed in the present EPBD.
The conference will address the following aspects:
- The status on the ground regarding compliance and quality of the works, as emerged from field studies conducted within QUALICHeCK and discussions at the CA EPBD.
- Key features to consider underway the road to improved compliance and quality of the works.
- Perspectives in the context of the review of the EPBD.