Air change rate and indoor air quality in bedrooms of well tightened residential buildings.

Measurements of air change rates, carbon dioxide concentrations, room air temperatures and relative room air humidities in bedrooms of five well tightened dwellings were carried out in October 1989. With the results of the measurements and also based on simulation calculations, recommendations for an optimal window opening behaviour in bedrooms with the intention of saving energy and of providing sufficient indoor air quality were made.

Ventilation systems and removal of particles.

As part of the IEA Research Program Annex 18 "Demand Controlled Ventilation Systems" various ventilation systems were examined in a test room. During research, in addition to thermal comfort issues, removal of particles was of importance. In order to assess ventilation systems, besides using pressure - volume current graphs, the air exchange rate was frequently applied as a criterion. The air exchange rate is, however, defined only for gaseous components.
