Thermal comfort in indoor and outdoor transitional spaces of buildings in Bangkok.

Thermal comfort in transitional spaces of buildings is established from a field study conducted in the cool season of Bangkok, Thailand. IL involved 302 indoor subjects occupying either air-conditioned or naturally ventilated environments and 291 outdoor subjects who were leaving the indoors. The data were analysed by using a calculating method, "Griffiths" values, giving neutral temperatures, and a quadratic regression for thermal acceptability.

Experimental evaluation of nigh ventilation phenomena.

The present paper aims to investigate, in a systematic way, and by using both experimental and theoretical tools, the potential of night ventilation techniques when applied to full scale buildings, under different structure, design, ventilation, and climatic characteristics. Also, to investigate the impact and the limitations of night ventilation techniques regarding the thermal behavior of various types of buildings. Real scale measurements in three buildings operating under free-floating and air conditioning conditions have been performed.

An experimental study of summer performance of a recirculation type underground airpipe air conditioning system.

The thermal performance of the underground airpipe air conditioning system constructed at the Non-Conventional Energy Research Institute, Ghosi has been studied. The heat exchanger is used in recirculation mode to aircondition eight rooms in a guest house at the Institute. The temperature and relative humidity of a conditioned and non-conditioned room are measured every two hours. The cooling potential of the system is estimated. It is observed that reasonably good thermal comfort conditions can be created in the building with such a system.

Air sick - getting fresh on board.

Statistics indicate that flying is the safest way to travet, but a trip on a ptane coutd be more hazardous to your health than you might imagine. Carolynne Dear reports.
