Briefly reviews ventilation requirements, types of ventilation , driving mechanisms for natural ventilation and infiltration, natural ventilation, infiltration and air leakage, air leakage sources, empirical models and infiltration measurement.
Measurements have been made of infiltration rates and air leakage characteristics of the building envelope in 38 dwellings all built within the last 20 years and covering a range of construction types. Conventional tracer gas techniques were used (employing nitrous oxide as the tracer) to determine air infiltration rates. Overall leakage characteristics were measured under pressurization using a fan. Some correlation was found between the overall leakage characteristic and the actual infiltration performance of a dwelling.
Reports the results of investigations by researchers at the University of Osaka into the air tightness and infiltration rates in houses built with high levels of noise-reducing insulation.
Describes an energy audit procedure developed for determining economically optimal retrofits for a residential building. This audit is a microprocessor -based, interactive, site and house specific package addressing conservation, solar and wind measures. A dymnamic model of heating and cooling load is used to evaluate fuel savings. Special attention is given to the estimation of monthly average air infiltration rates, using a model correlating pressurization results with air infiltration under natural weather conditions.
The heat transfer characteristics of a window system are generally specified by three static measurements; winter U-value, shading coefficient and air infiltration. Outlines methods for measuring these three values. Describes the mobile window test facility, designed to test windows under real weather conditions. The facility consists of a portable test building which can rotate about a central point.The building contains four test rooms with a guard room on each end. Describes the instrumentation and test methods. Construction of the MoWiTT facility is planned for late 1980.
Describes a method, derived from bibliographical research, for air infiltration calculation in a multistorey building. The method may be used both for computer calculations, in order to determine the building thermal balance hour by hour, and for steady state hand calculations. Analytical and experimental relations have been examined for the determination of the air flow rate due to wind and stack effect.
Reports measurements of air infiltration and air leakage of an unpartitioned mobile home, made in an environmental chamber. Infiltration was measured using sulphur hexafluoride as a tracer gas. Leakage was measured by depressurizing the mobile home. Discusses results and uncertainties in the air change rates. Examines dependence of air change on indoor-outdoor temperature difference. Compares results with previously published measurements and discusses anomalies.
Notes that if the exhaust air flows in an apartment building are adjusted to the same value in similar apartments, the pressure conditions may not be the same in these apartments.
A model that relates fan pressurization results to infiltration values during the heating season is the basis for infiltration estimates in several different audit programs. Describes the model and presents validation results. The model is used in three different audit strategies. The first is an energy audit to determine economically optimal retrofits for residential buildings, based on actual on-site measurements of key indices of the house.
Reviews existing models of air infiltration. Presents the basic formulations of the Institute of Gas Technology model. Outlines the data required by the model. Reports the refinement of the model by incorporating new subroutines. Describes testing of the model using data from IGT test homes, Princeton, Ohio and Canada. Comparison between model and test data shows that the model gives estimates of the rate of air infiltration with resonable accuracy.