TN 26: Minimum Ventilation Rates and Measures for Controlling Indoor Air Quality IEA Annex IX

From a viewpoint of energy conservation air infiltration and ventilation have to be minimised. A certain amount of fresh outside air, however, has to be supplied to a building in order to maintain healthy and comfortable conditions for the inhabitants and to avoid structural damage. The optimisation of these adverse requirements will result in guidelines for minimum ventilation rates which are just large enough to meet the indispensable fresh air demand but small enough to avoid useless waste of energy.

TN 24: AIVC Measurement Techniques Workshop Proceedings and Bibliography

Workshop held at Køge, Denmark in March 1988.

TN 23: Inhabitant Behaviour with Respect to Ventilation - A Summary Report of IEA Annex VIII

This forms a summary of the IEA ECBCS Annex VIII study into the behaviour of occupants with regard to ventilation. It assesses the extent to which the actions of occupants can be modified in order to minimise energy use yet maintain adequate indoor air quality. Chapters cover observational techniques, energy loss due to window opening, reasons for window opening and the resultant energy savings from modified use of windows.

TN 21: A Review and Bibliography of Ventilation Effectiveness - Definitions, Measurements, Design and Calculation

The objective of this is to review the various definitions associated with ventilation efficiency studies and to outline the physical concepts, measurement methods and calculation techniques. A detailed bibliography gives references to articles useful for more detailed research. An appendix presents the country of affiliation of authors' references in the bibliography, in order to assist in comparing the needs of different countries or climatic regions.

TN 20: Airborne Moisture Transfer: New Zealand Workshop Proceedings and Bibliographic Review

This document presents the proceedings of the AIVC's Moisture Workshop, held at the Building Research Association of New Zealand (BRANZ) on 23 March 1987. It includes the opening address by the Hon. Margaret Shields, Associate Minister of Housing, New Zealand, and the full text of the ten papers presented, together with a record of the discussion. The second section presents a review of literature on the subject and a bibliography taken from papers in the AIVC's bibliographic database, AIRBASE.

TN 19: 1986 Survey of Current Research into Air Infiltration and Related Air Quality Problems in Buildings

The Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre's world wide survey of current research into air infiltration and related topics, provides organisations in participating countries with regularly updated information about ongoing research in this field. In particular, the major objectives of the survey are to encourage the international cross-fertilization of research ideas and to promote co-operation between research organisations in different countries.

TN 17: Ventilation Strategy - A Selected Bibliography

Review of literature on choice of ventilation strategy for residential, industrial and other buildings.

TN 16: Leakage Distribution in Buildings

Examines those factors which can influence leakage distribution, including building style, construction quality, materials, ageing, pressure and variations in humidity.
