A matched pair of identical mobile homes, one supplied with electric heating and cooking utilities and the other with propane gas utilities, were used to evaluate, over a 14-month period, various factors which may affect indoor formaldehyde c
Due to better insulation and improved airtightness of doors and windows, the supply of fresh air entering a room has been greatly reduced. This in turn causes an increase in the amount of pollutants emitted by different insulation and building materials. Measurements of the formaldehyde concentration in newbuildings have shown that the admissible limits are still exceeded even after a year. Stricter regulations limiting the emissions of pollutants are therefore urgently necessary.
The problem of indoor air pollution has many facets, ranging from excess humidity, mould and insects over emissions from gas boilers to high levels of various chemicals in tight buildings. The common denominator of all these problems is the existence of several sources of pollution inside a volume of relatively low dissipative capacity. Where the resulting concentration from a single substance exceeds an already established hygienic standard regulatory measures are straightforward. Assessing the risk of several substances being present at the same time is still difficult.
Results of air quality measurements are presented for a group of low-leakage houses located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. A total of 46 houses were tested for formaldehyde, nitrogen dioxide, radon, and humidity levels. The median level of formalde
In response to employee complaints of upper respiratory and eye irritation, formaldehyde air sampling studies were conducted in two different office environments. The first was in a series of temporary modular buildings with construction simi
During the period 1973-76, measurements in housing where particle board is used as a building material have revealed a reduction in the formaldehyde content of the indoor atmosphere from 0.64 to 0.40 mg/cu.m. under standard indoor climatic conditions. A corresponding although slighter reduction in therelease of formaldehyde from particle board was found under controlled conditions in climatic chambers. Suggests these improvements in the quality of particle board will suffice to fulfill the proposed limit of 0.40 mg/cu.m.
Elucidates many different aspects of formaldehyde occurrence, such as, comparable indoor air pollutants, complaints and investigations, coherence with ventilation rate and construction, chipboard types, qualities and prices, differing European directives on board composition, chipboard in cold and warm types of flat roofs.