Due to better insulation and improved airtightness of doors and windows, the supply of fresh air entering a room has been greatly reduced. This in turn causes an increase in the amount of pollutants emitted by different insulation and building materials. Measurements of the formaldehyde concentration in newbuildings have shown that the admissible limits are still exceeded even after a year. Stricter regulations limiting the emissions of pollutants are therefore urgently necessary. Levels of formaldehyde measured in new houses, offices and schools before occupation and under simulation in climate chambers are presented.
Indoor air pollution by building materials
Bibliographic info:
Indoor Air, Vol.3, Sensory and Hyperreactivity Reactions to Sick Buildings. edited by B.Berglund, T.Lindvall, J.Sundell. Swedish Council for Building Research, Stockholm, 1984. 35-40, 2 figs, 2 tabs, 8 refs, #DATE 00:00:1984 inEnglish AIC bk,