IEA Annex 22: Design of energy-efficient communities.

In the last fifteen years "Local Energy Planning" (LEP), has been developed in several countries as a means of designing energy efficient communities. Discussions show that there are widely differing opinions on the definition of LEP, depending on national or local supply structures or legal responsibilities of local administrations. Theobjective of an LEP project is to develop a conception to find environmentally acceptable cost effectiveness solutions for the supply of a defined area with (low temperature heating) energy.

Energy, cost, and program implications.

The study recommends adoption of the new higher ventilation rates, but with the use of alternative occupancy densities. To verify compliance with Standard 62-89, the study recommends the method of taking a ratio of temperatures to determine percent outdoor air with a total supply air measurement to determine supplied outside air for each air handler serving the building.

Conditioning costs.
