At the new institute building of Fraunhofer ISE, both mechanical and free night ventilation is used for passive cooling of the offices. The results from a monitoring of room temperatures in 21 office rooms during summer 2002 show that room temperatures exceeds 25 C in less than 8 % of the working hours, even at high ambient air temperatures. In two offices, experiments were carried out in order to determine the efficiency of night ventilation dependent on air change rate, solar and internal heat gains. During the experiments, meteorological data, air change rates, air temperatures (incl.
The necessity of focus on more large integration of passive concepts for indoor climate conditioning is today a reality. Through this study, a contribution to fill the lack of useful design guidelines for natural ventilation is proposed, in order to develop the passive ventilation systems implementation. Besides a methodological approach, the paper proposes conceptual tools. The implementation of a natural ventilation strategy includes the envelope building design, the indoor spaces layout and the
The Loop Equation Design Method has been proposed for sizing ventilation airflow components of natural and hybrid ventilation systems. While the loop design method has been demonstrated on a limited basis, the method has been automated in order to better evaluate its reliability under a more controlled, i.e., less error-prone, environment. This paper describes a computer program that implements the Loop Equation Design Method of sizing the openings of naturally ventilated buildings.
The author points out the importance of a good selection of the dimensions of swirl air diffusers, using data provided by the manufacturers. It also gives information about the method for deciding of their number and position in the room.
This paper presents temperature and airflow measurements proving that ground-coupled fresh air intake ducts can have a significant cooling effect. Measurements at two Norwegian schools with such ducts, Jaer School and Medi School, show that the actual cooling performance after a three-day warm period is about 100 Wh/m2 of exposed concrete surface in the duct, with air velocity passing the surfaces of about 0.15 m/s. Our calculations indicate that this can rise to at least 200 Wh/m2 by increasing the air flow rate during the night.
This paper describes a study of reduced performance of mechanical exhaust systems in 42 Dutch houses after several years of operation. It also describes the effect of reduced ventilation on air quality and the perception and use of the ventilation system by residents. The guanine contents of dust samples taken from the sleeping room were determined to assess the risk of allergy.
A 64 page guide on building-integrated ventilation solutions has just been published in Norway. It is the culmination of 4 years of evaluation and experience from modern buildings, mainly schools with different forms of building-integrated ventilation systems.
This guide gives tentative conclusions about alternative system designs.
The quantitative determination of differential pressure and airflow for proper room pressurization is an HVAC design area that has not yet developed a standard rule.In this article current design guidelines and field practices for room pressurization are investigated. Practical field tests were performed in two types of facilities: a tuberculosis research lab and a cell transplant unit.
Ventilation, air conditioning and air heating systems are of vital importance for the health and comfort of residents and other building users. However, there exists a substantial body of literature that shows that HVAC systems performance can be greatly affected by inferior quality ductwork. To avoid these problems, it is important to pay greater attention to the design, construction, installation, and maintenance of ductwork systems, bearing in mind that the primary functions of the HVAC systems must be fulfilled.
The combination of an open wet cooling tower with chilled ceilings is a CFC free, cheap and low energy cooling solution. The efficiency of this alternative to mechanical cooling is very dependent on climate. There is a need for specific tools to help designers to size the system and to estimate its energy and water consumption. A building simulation tool, called ConsoClim, has been used to predict the performance of this system for different French climatic locations, thermal inertia, internal loads and solar gains.