Ventilation and utility program incentives in the Northwest US.

Residential ventilation has at least two energy penalties that must be considered when addressing the ventilation levels recommended in ASHRAE Standard 62. Energy is required to heat the fresh outside air used for ventilation. In cold climates with high heating costs, an air-to-air heat exchanger can lessen the operating expense. Energy is needed for the fan motor used to introduce fresh outside air andlor to exhaust stale indoor air.

Air movement in a re-clad medium rise building and its effect on energy usage.

This paper presents the results of a monitoring programme on a medium sized educational building which has had the external walls re-clad. The objective behind the re-cladding was to improve the durability of the building and to improve the thermal performance. The objectives of this work were to establish the viability of the calculation techniques used to simulate the ventilation, thermal and moisture performance of the re-cladding system. The results have shown that there is a good agreement between the methods currently being used and the actual performance.

The relative energy use of passive stack ventilators and extract fans.

The relative energy use of PSV and extract fans has been a matter of considerable controversy, particularly in the UK. A steady state methodology is presented based on the approach of BS5250 and that of Professor Meyringer (Air Infiltration Review November 85).
