This paper presents an overview of what is known related to particulate matter indoors. An information for understanding filtration is given along with the way how particles contribute to adverse health effects.
In this paper, practical recommendations for design and operation of HVAC systems are presented. The result of a proper maintenance will be less pollution and a better indoor environmental quality.
In developed countries, the concentrations of indoor pollutants are very similar to those outdoors. 3 basic strategies are proposed to reduce occupant exposure to indoor contaminants : 1. Building air tightening and pressure management2. Ventilation and air filtration3. Contaminant removalIn poor countries, the use of advanced ventilation and filtration techniques is not feasible at all, natural ventilation may be one of the more effective solutions
In this paper the author develops the key factors that influence the performance of ventilation systems mainly in large office buildings. Information for the efficient operation of these systems is provided.
An advanced supply air filtration unit has been developed, and its performance was evaluatedin the laboratory. The filter consists of an electrically enhanced particle filter and an adsorbentfilter for gases. It has been designed for installation near supply air outlets. The performanceof the filtration unit was measured in the laboratory. The results showed that the filtrationefficiency for submicron particles was over 95% during the whole lifetime of the filter. Theremoval efficiency of the gas filter for toluene was also high, over 95%.
Fine particles (4 -700 nm), odour and VOC emissions before and after the used supply airfilters were studied in a ventilation unit. The pre-filter (G3) did not collect fine particles at thetest conditions, but acted as a source of particles 50-300 nm in size. The F7 fine filter, locatedafter the pre-filter, collected quite effectively even the finest particles. Sensory evaluationshowed that intensity of odour was highest after the F7 fine filter.
The study has been carried out in two different French buildings. The main objective of the study was to know more about office buildings’ indoor air quality as well as HVAC installation working over a long period (1 year). A lot of data are available but
The aim of the article is to study the effect of removing small airborne particles in an office building.The standard particle filters were replaced with highly efficient filters. Occupants answered questionnaire weekly and multiple environment measurements were done.The enhanced filtration reduced the concentration of smallest particles, symptoms were not reduced, but performance-related mental states improved.
DEVELOPMENT OF A PCM AIR FILTER AND ITS APPLICATION TO A CONSTANT The authors have developed a PCM air filter which stabilizes the temperature of air passing though it. This PCM filter has great potential for applications that require a constant temperature air supply. In addition, it can simplify temperature control systems and can contribute to energy conservation. The material in the filter consists of sponge fibers coated with paraffin followed by a coating of resin to prevent leakage and vaporization of the paraffin.
We have investigated the effect of UVC on IAQ in a ventilation plant in a typical office building. The UVC-system consisted of UVC-lights for irradiation on all central components in the air handling unit. A similar ventilation plant, but without UVC, was chosen as a reference plant. Microorganisms on surfaces, living airborne mould spores and MVOC (Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds) were sampled throughout the ventilation plant and in corresponding rooms before and after UVC-irradiation. In addition, parallel measurements in the reference plant were conducted.