Practical application on two buildings (a movie theater and an office building) of the Indoor Air Quality Procedure described in ASHRAE Standard 62 is demonstrated. It shows in particular how air filtration can achieve acceptable indoor air quality and energy savings (by reducing outdoor air flowrate requirements).
Indoor aerosol particulate matter (PM) concentrations were measured gravimetrically in 36 carpeted bedrooms of asthmatic children. Particulate concentration was higher indoors than outdoors. High efficiency particule arresting (HEPA) filtration was shown dividing concentrations by about 2.
The filtration efficiency of residential furnaces air filters was measured in several houses in Canada. Even efficient filters have a minor influence on particulate levels in houses. The ways to reduce these levels were investigated. Results show for example how HEPA filters on supply air reduce indoor particle concentration.
Labelling of HVAC systems is a direct consequence of the publication of test procedures and recommended criteria in Finland. Cleanliness parameters are dust quantity, oil residues and odours emissions. Discussion isf continuing on filters classification including their efficiency (EN 779) but also odour emissions.
Ways of removing from indoor air particulates smaller in diameter than 1 micrometer, through enhancement of particle deposition in a filter, were investigated using numerical simulation. Deposition enhancement is obtained using diamond-shaped three-dimensional roughness elements incorporated into filters. Numerical investigations performed were used to define the enhancement for laminar flow, in order to define the most efficient arrangement of enhancing elements.
The study examined emissions from dust collected on 2 stages ventilation filters in winter in Helsinki or in its outskirts. The filters contained a lot of fresh particles due to traffic, combustion, and power production. The carbon content was highest in the dust, which was collected from a pre-filter. In previous studies, the intensity of odors from filters was found to be strongest in the winter.
The study monitored two similar ventilation systems with fine filters during a few months, one operating continuously, one only during day time. Air, surface and filter material samples were taken to evaluate the extent of microbial contamination with viable fungi and bacteria. Filter and air of the permanent system,with higher relative humidity, were less contaminated by microbes and the contamination was more evenly spread in the filter.
A two-years old filter was placed in a ventilation system recirculating the air in an experimental space. Via glass tubes air was extracted to an adjacent room to allow a panel to evaluate the sensory load after facial exposure, without entering the space. The sensory pollution load of the filter determined from full exposure was approximately 7 times lower than when determined after facial exposure. Even though, used filters may still be important sources of indoor air pollution.
In an environmental lab with a panel of 30 women exposed 4 hours, comfort and health have been detremined both with a used or a new filter present in the ventilation system. All other environmental parameters were kept constant. A used filter in a HVAC system can have a negative effect on both the immediate perception of the indoor air quality and on perceptions and health-related symptoms. However, the annoyance experienced through the sensory system may have amplified the intensity of symptoms.
Describes a project to examine the secondary air filters in the air handling units on four floors of a multi-storey office building which had a history of fungal colonization of insulation in the air distribution system. Fungi were observed throughout the system. Lower concentrations of volatile organics were emitted from fungal affected air filter medium. Concludes that the growth of fungi in air distribution systems may affect the content of volatile organics in indoor air.