Presents a method of analysis to separately quantify the amounts of heat loss due to transmission and to air infiltration. The analysis is based on daily gas and electricity readings for a flat. Discusses three models for calculating heat losses; the regression model, the static thermal model andthe dynamic thermal model. Only the static and dynamic models have the ability to predict some of the individual terms in the heat balance equation.< Concludes that all three models may be used for a first estimate of the total amount of energy consumption.
Improved levels of thermal insulation for dwellings in W.Germany have substantially reduced thermal transmission losses, so that ventilation heat loss has become much more important component of total building heat demand. Amount of heat appears important enough to justify considering heat recovery from ventilation air residential buildings. Describes 3 examples of exhaust air recovery from flats in an apartment building. Provides details of air change rates.
Reports measurements of air change rates carried out in the living rooms of 39 flats built during the last 20 years using Freon 12 as a tracer gas. Ventilation rates ranged from 0.3 to 2.9 changes per, hour, the average being 1.3 changes per hour. Air temperature, humidity and wind speed were recorded and the ventilation rates corrected for wind speed and temperature. Notes large ranges in ventilation rates for similar flats.
A portable background gamma-radiation dosimeter with a high-pressure ionization chamber was designed. The gamma background radiation dose rate and radon concentration in the air of the 97 new flats were measured. The flats were selected in the houses of the experimental settlement in Suzewiec (quarter of Warsaw), of three settlements of Kodz, and of five settlements of the upper silesian industrial area. For the construction of these settlements building materials typical for new constructions in Poland were used, such as products derived from metallurgical wastes like slag or boiler ash.
Describes air infiltration measurements made in three apartment houses in the Chicago area using SF6 as a tracer gas. Two were in tenement districts and one was suburban. Data were collected in selected apartments in each building, and these data were used to estimate the infiltration rate for the entire building.
Describes method for measuring the direction and volume of air flows in a building with several rooms. The method uses carbon dioxide as a tracer gas produced from dry ice in each room. Over a period of 2-3 hours the concentration of gas in each room is measured every ten minutes. Gives equations for calculating air flows between rooms and some results of tests made on a flat.
Reports 312 measurements of ventilation rate in 31 rooms in old and new blocks of flats, 3 villa residences and a modern university building, made using coal gas as a tracer. Describes buildings and gives main results. Examines effect on air change rate of sealing flues and gratings, opening windows and weather conditions. Finds outside wind speed has most influence on ventilation rate. Discusses recommended standards of air supply.
Presents results of measurements of ventilation rate and window air leakage made in blocks of flats in Sweden. Describes measurement of ventilation rate using nitrous oxide as a tracer gas and pressurization tests on windows. Gives graphical results of tests. Finds that the majority of windows do not satisfy 1975swedish building code. Reports measurements of air leakage of windows before and after renewal of draught excluders. Concludes that old windows can be made relatively draught-free and that this is not expensive or time consuming.
The overall air leakage of high-rise buildings cannot be measured using a full pressure method because of the large volume involved. Describes a method of conducting small-scale pressurization tests on the exterior walls of apartments in multi-storey buildings. Gives results of measurements in a test building. compares direct method with values obtained by summing the air leakage of individual components. Finds good agreement. Concludes that floor/wall joints, windows and window sills are the three major air leakage sources in exterior walls.
Summarizes measurements made on a flat. These include inside to outside temperature and pressure differences, infiltration rates using helium as a tracer gas, duration of opening windows and doors and weather conditions. Also describes wind tunnel measurements made on a model of the building with and without obstacles and terrain roughness.