A portable background gamma-radiation dosimeter with a high-pressure ionization chamber was designed. The gamma background radiation dose rate and radon concentration in the air of the 97 new flats were measured. The flats were selected in the houses of the experimental settlement in Suzewiec (quarter of Warsaw), of three settlements of Kodz, and of five settlements of the upper silesian industrial area. For the construction of these settlements building materials typical for new constructions in Poland were used, such as products derived from metallurgical wastes like slag or boiler ash. The estimated dose rates were similar in the houses to those outdoors, but the radon concentration inside the buildings was several times higher.
Measurements of ionising radiation doses in dwellings in Poland. Pomiary promieniowania jonizujacego w niektorych budynkach mieszkalnych wPolsce

Bibliographic info:
Nukleonika, 14, p415-424, 1969