In this paper, experiments and simulations for moisture buffering of the gypsum boards is described.The small chamber (4.62 m3) installed the gypsum board on the interior surface was used for theexperiments. This chamber was located in a climate chamber. The ambient condition of the smallchamber was controlled at constant temperature and humidity. In the experiment for the relationshipbetween moisture buffering and ventilation rate, three cases of ventilation rate, i.e. no ventilation, 1.01/h and 5.0 1/h, were investigated.
In this paper, the experiment for moisture buffering and effect of ventilation rate and volume rate of thehygrothermal materials is described. The objective of the experiment is to make clear the relationshipsbetween the moisture buffering effect and, the ventilation and volume rates of the hygrothermalmaterials. In the experiment, a layer of gypsum board as hygrothermal materials is placed on theinterior surface of the test chamber (4.60 m3). This chamber is located in the climate room which cancontrol constant temperature and humidity level (20oC and 50%rh).
Indoor humidity is an important parameter influencing the occupants’ perception of indoor air quality, and is also a cause of harmful processes that may occur on surfaces of materials, such as cracking of walls or microbiological growth. Building material