Hasegawa, K.; Yoshino, H.; Mitamura, T.
Bibliographic info:
The 6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings IAQVEC 2007, Oct. 28 - 31 2007, Sendai, Japan

In this paper, the experiment for moisture buffering and effect of ventilation rate and volume rate of thehygrothermal materials is described. The objective of the experiment is to make clear the relationshipsbetween the moisture buffering effect and, the ventilation and volume rates of the hygrothermalmaterials. In the experiment, a layer of gypsum board as hygrothermal materials is placed on theinterior surface of the test chamber (4.60 m3). This chamber is located in the climate room which cancontrol constant temperature and humidity level (20oC and 50%rh). For ventilation, a mechanical fanwas installed on the chamber with inlet and outlet. Two series of experiments had been carried out.First series was an experiment of ventilation rate and three conditions (i.e. no ventilation, 1.0 1/h and5.0 1/h) were adopted. Second series was an experiment of volume late and locations of the gypsumboards. Various sizes and locations of gypsum boards were placed on the interior walls. As a result, themoisture buffering effect would be disappeared in the case of larger ventilation rate. As volume rateincrease, the moisture buffering effect is getting smaller. Its effect could be not directly proportional tothe volume rate. However, these results included the effect of ventilation rate, so the influence ofvolume rate and locations was not clear. The next stage of this study will investigate its influence.