Gives equations and charts for the calculation of heat and moisture flow due to natural convection through openings in vertical partitions separating spaces at different air conditions. Finds that heat and moisture transfer coefficients depend on the Grashof number and to some extent on the ratio of opening height to thickness. Also gives chart and equations for flow across an opening in a horizontal partition when the higher density air is above the opening.
After retrofitting of town houses at Twin Rivers it was found that heat loss from attics was much higher than predicted. This was accounted for by heat transfer within the wall dividing adjacent townhouses (party wall) from each other. This occurs both by conduction and by air movement through vertical holes in the party wall. Suggests that basement is thermally coupled to the attic and adjusts the model to allow for this, giving a three-zone model for the house
Describes measurements of heat flow taken in three rooms at different heights in a multi-storey office building. Heat supply, internal to external temperature pressure differences, wind velocity and sunshine were recorded. Gives result that it needs more heat to maintain the same room temperature on lower floors than on upper floors. Difference is that heat needed on 32nd floor is approximately 40% less than that on 8th floor.
Notes heat flow through double windows due to temperature difference and air infiltration have usually been calculated separately. Tests combined effect of air pressure and temperature difference on three double hung prime windows in combination with various storm windows. Found that calculation of infiltration and transmission losses separately gives higher heating requirements than necessary and that air leakage increases with temperature differential. An overall heat transfer coefficient is determined
Describes a diagram from which heat losses due to infiltration according to German standard DIN 4701 can be obtained, as well as rate of air infiltration per unit length of crack. By considering several factors the method can be generalised for the case of several windows and doors of varying quality of fit. The method is therefore useful for both the approximate and the accurate calculation of infiltration heat losses.
Points out importance of ventilation heat losses in calculating total heat requirements of a building, and necessity of its analysis for multi-storey buildings. Describes bases and possible fields of application of a quick and efficient calculation method. Calculations demonstrate that ventilation heat loss varies considerably from storey to storey, and that a standard storey should not be used when calculating the heating surfaces required for individual rooms.
Heat load from passage of cold outside air to building interior is function of wind speed and outdoor air temperature. Analyses meteorological data to determine suitable design conditions for accurate assessment of infiltration heat losses. Terms multiple of wind speed and indoor-to-outdoor air temperature 'wind-temp number' using it as measure of infiltration heat loss caused by wind. Plots these numbers for range of outdoor air temperatures and wind directions.
Describes methods of calculating ventilation heat losses employed in several European countries. Compares them from standpoint of air change rates. Proposes calculation procedure for new Czechoslovak standard CSN 06 0210.
Describes new calculation procedure which forms a basis for 1978 draft in German Standard DIN 4701 "Building heat demand calculation". Defines infiltration heat loss. Examines previous German standard calculation procedure. Outlines basis of natural air flows in buildings in some detail including effect of air pressure and stack effects. Treats pressure distributions affected by wind and stack effects. Describes mass flow balances for 2 building types and infiltration heat losses.
Ventilation losses account for approximately 50% of heat consumed by a building. Treats characteristics of leakage generally. Estimates that decrease of ventilation of building stock in Finland by 0.1 air changes per hour would save about 100 million f marks annually. Provides practical instructions for controlling building leakage rates.