The primary objective of this paper is to show the distribution of heat losses in prairie commercial greenhouses of various constructions and to suggest and test methods of energy saving. Seventy five percent of the total heat loss is through the roof of a glass greenhouse. This can be significantly reduced by adding an extra layer of polyethylene preferably in the area where lower lightlevels can be tolerated.
Outlines the fundamentals of insulation and airtightness, proper air quality, and ventilation. Presents details of design and construction for walls, roofs, foundations, windows, and air-vapour barriers, as well as discussions of ventilation systems, heating systems, appliances and methods of testing and evaluation. One of the appendices gives weather data for selected US and Canadian cities. Aims to be accessible to the interested layperson or homeowner.
The heat losses from small houses, due to transmission and ventilation, are estimated. The estimation i s based up on the house owness daily readings of electricity and water meters, and their notes on behaviour influencing the energy use. Consideration is taken to heat supply from insolation and from people. Hot water losses are calculated from use of water and use of household machinery. Besides the estimation of the heat losses, Q, wind and temperature in the area is registrated .
Energy is consumed in heating the air infiltrating into houses maintained at temperatures above ambient. By using climatic data tapes and a daily profile for indoor temperature of a house, it is possible to calculate factors, which in conjunction with a relationship between air change rate and wind speed enable the energy consumption due to infiltration to be calculated on amonthly basis. This has been done for Melbourne, Australia and the factors tabulated on a monthly, annual and heating season (April Nov) basis.
Assesses energy saving as a function of window air tightness, and transforms value into a corresponding U-value. Uses a single-cell infiltration model, and shows that using the U-value is a convenient way of comparing different energy saving methods. As an example, computes the U-value for the windows in a detached single-family house in an urban area and for Gothenburg weather conditions.
Investigates the energy performance of a two storey occupied gas heated house in Ontario Canada by means of steady state and dynamic analyses of measured data. Experimental results were obtained from a monitoring study done on an hourly basis.
A small test house having a pitched roof/ventilated attic was installed in a high bay environmental chamber. The test house and its attic were extensively instrumented for measuring heat and moisture transfer. The test house was exposed to a ser
Describes a wind tunnel investigation of wind pressure distributions over a 1:100 scale model of a single family house, surrounded by identical building models in various regular arrays. Measures time-mean pressures at 122 locations on walls and roofs in a 90 degree wind angle sector. Calculates air change rates and corresponding heat losses for a full-scale building of the same type for a range of wind speeds and outdoor air temperature. Uses the full number of local pressure coefficients for the building surfaces as input data.
Describes the retrofitting of 2 1930's semi-detached houses with insulation, draught-stripping, double glazing, heating controls and heat pumps. Measures performance and finds results compare with expectations. Simulates the heat gains equivalent to a family of four. Heat losses were slightly lower than predicted. Air leakage was also low.
Reports air tightness measures and variations in 14 low-energy houses in Heimdal, plus testing of energy saving measures for exposed detached houses. The air tightness should be considerably improved according to the regulations. Treats principles of air tightness, pressure measurement, thermography tracer gas measurements and heat loss measurements.