The heat losses from small houses, due to transmission and ventilation, are estimated. The estimation i s based up on the house owness daily readings of electricity and water meters, and their notes on behaviour influencing the energy use. Consideration is taken to heat supply from insolation and from people. Hot water losses are calculated from use of water and use of household machinery. Besides the estimation of the heat losses, Q, wind and temperature in the area is registrated . The three parameters, local wind velocity, temperature difference between inside and outside and specific heat loss are adapted t o following relation [see pdf] According to this model, the heat losses consist of transmission heat loss, wind and temperature influenced ventilation (through ducts, window and doors) and wind and temperature influenced infiltration (through cracks). When the constants A,B,C and D have been solved for the different houses, the relation ( 1 ) is used for estimating possible energy saving by windreduction. It is found that a windreduction to 0,5 - 2,0 m/s will give an energy saving between 3,3 and 9,4 % during the year. Some of this saving may also be achieved by tightening the houses.
Heat losses from small houses due to wind influence.
Bibliographic info:
3rd AIVC Conference "Energy efficient domestic ventilation systems for achieving acceptable indoor air quality" London, UK, 20-23 September 1982