Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Wed, 04/17/2019 - 12:29
Earlier field measurements in Low Energy Buildings have shown that excess temperatures can easily occur during summertime in well-insulated houses, also in northern part of Europe. If a ground source heat pump is used for heating and there is a bidirectional ventilation system, the borehole can be used for free cooling in summertime and the chilled air can be distributed by the ventilation system. In this study, a simulation of a single family nZEB located in the Swedish city Gothenburg was conducted.
Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Tue, 03/22/2016 - 11:11
Nowadays, important efforts are deployed to reduce energy consumption in the field of residential buildings. Concerning new constructions, low-energy consumption buildings such as “passive” houses constitute a suitable solution to decrease the environmental impacts.In this kind of building, air tightness is improved and heating needs are reduced compared to traditional constructions. In order to ensure a good indoor air quality, controlled mechanical ventilation is required.
Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Wed, 06/18/2014 - 09:38
Definition of heating/cooling capacity ratio (HCR) of the heat pump air conditioner has been put forward in this study, and the relationship between supply HCR (HCRS) and demand HCR (HCRD) has been illustrated.
Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Tue, 06/17/2014 - 14:51
In this paper, we present a heating system with thermal storage using a heat pump which supplies heat to the thermal storage equipment installed in the crawl space of residential house insulated at the foundation walls. This system can charge heat by using cheap nighttime electricity and discharge the stored heat at daytime.
Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Thu, 10/31/2013 - 15:37
Because the super high-rise complex building would be designed vertically with a mixed-use space, a large amount of unpurified domestic sewage could be discharged continuously outside the building site. The waste heat from the sewage water can be used for low temperature heating and high temperature cooling sources for HVAC system such as radiant heating and cooling system, and domestic hot water services. This study aims to evaluate the availability of treated sewage water as an unused energy source in a super high-rise complex building.
Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Thu, 10/31/2013 - 15:25
Wall heating systems are more preferable heating systems than other conventional systems due to their low temperature operating ranges. These systems are equipped with heating serpentines or panels where the water is circulated and the serpentines are mounted on the walls of rooms. Ground source heat pump systems are todays one of the useful renewable energy based heating systems.
In most conditions, the excess heat of exhaust water discharged from household or publicbathing-rooms is mostly not utilized, which causes a lot heat loss for its higher temperature. For thisreason, it is suggested that a heat pump that uses the exhaust water as a low-temperature heat sourceshould be used to reclaim its excess heat to produce sanitary hot water for the public bathing-rooms. Inthis way, we call the above-mentioned heat pump as bathing room heat pump water heater.
High energy savings can be expected from building energy and climate concepts which combinethe heat pump technology with a low temperature energy distributions such as concrete corewater pipe circuits within building zones. The paper describes two case studies of a heat pumpplant for heating and cooling of nonresidential buildings. For concept comparison purposes aglobal objective function will be developed in the frame of IEA-ECBCS Annex 48 and has beenpartially tested by using project constrains, thermal comfort expectations and lifecycle costs of thefoccused case studies.
A municipality water reticulation R22 ground-coupled reversible heat pump, was investigated as an alternative to conventional air source systems. The investigation was conducted by developing analytical models that were used for the design of a ground-coupled reversible heat pump and a conventional, also reversible air-to-air system. The models were verified with a commercially available computer program as well as with measurements on the two systems.
French buildings highly contribute to the total national energy consumption. In order to inflect theincreasing tendency, significant efforts have been encouraged by public institutions.Accordingly, the GENHEPI concept, hereunder described, aims at methodically investigate retrofitoperations to ensure an effective renovation of existing buildings. Its first phase consists in preparingand elaborating projects development by a global energy approach. Modelling and sensitivity studiesof various technical solutions permit this analysis.