The use of heat pumps to induce airflow on hot days in otherwise passive ventilation systems.

The paper presents results from a wider study into providing displacement ventilationin urban areas by taking air into buildings from the top without the use of fans.Results from large scale experimental work are given. These results indicate thatventilation airflows can be induced using gravity chillers and heaters in conditionswhere this type of installation would otherwise fail. The paper also describes initialexperiments undertaken to see how far the same equipment can be used in heatrecovery.One test installation is modelled using a proprietary zonal model.

Energy use of ventilation air conditioning options for ground source heat pump systems.

High outdoor ventilation air requirements can lead to significant increases in building energy use, thermal discomfort, indoor air quality problems, and litigation. Engineers often avoid ground-source heat pumps because of the perception that there are no acceptable methods for conditioning the ventilation air. However, this difficulty is currently a problem with all types of heating and cooling systems. Decisions may be based on system performance at design conditions without regard to seasonal energy consumption.

Utilisation of wind energy in space heating and cooling with hybrid HVAC systems and heat pumps.

Approximately one-third of the primary energy resources are consumed in space heating, cooling, and air-conditioning with a very low exergetic efficiency. The depleting nature of primary energy resources, negative environmental impact of fossil fuels and low exergetic efficiencies obtained in conventional space heating and cooling are the main incentives for developing alternative heating. ventilating, and air-conditioning (HV AC) techniques which can employ low density and inte1rupted energy sources.

A Novel ventilation/Heat recovery heat pump.

The trend towards improving building air-tightness to save energy has increased theincidence of poor indoor air quality and associated problems, such as condensation onwindows, mould, rot and fungus on window frames. Mechanical ventilation 1 heat recoverysystems combined with heat pumps offer a means of significantly improving indoor airquality as well as providing heating and cooling required in buildings.This paper is concerned with the development of a novel ventilation I heat recovery systemfor the domestic market1.
