Promise and potential of air-to-air energy recovery systems.

Describes and discusses the principles, advantages and disadvantages of several types of air-to-air energy recovery devices, including the open and closed run-around systems; the heat pipe exchanger; the thermal wheel and the heat exchanger. Places emphasis on the potential energy savings in heating and cooling equipment and fuel costs by recovering energy from exhaust air before it is thrown away. Results indicate annual energy savings of up to 23% with even larger savings in the size of the heating and cooling equipment.

Controlled ventilation with exhaust air heat recovery for Canadian housing

The proceedings of the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation industry/science seminar "Controlled Ventilation with Exhaust Air Heat Recovery for Canadian Housing" 26 October 1978

Heat recovery from the exhaust air in old apartment buildings. Lammon talteenotto poistoilmasta vanhoissa asuinkerrostaloissa.

In order to investigate the possibilities of installing heat recovery equipment in old apartment houses, a large project has been started. There are 30,000 to 35,000 apartment houses in Finland with an average volume of6000-7000 cu.m. Possible savings from heat recovery in houses with mechanical exhaust are the transfer of heat to supply air using standard equipment and heat recovery from exhaust air using heat pumps.

The use of heat exchangers for energy recovery in thermotechnical installations. Impiego degli scambiatori di calore per il recupero dell'energia negli impianti termotecnici.

After a general preliminary discussion of the meaning of "heat recovery" and possible systems for carrying it out, the author examines the possible different ways of transferring thermal energy from one fluid to another by means of an indirect heat exchanger. Air-to-air systems are in particular analyzed, examining the operating features of the various exchange types(rotating, fixed plate, multiple tower and finned tube exchangers). The paper concludes with a series of considerations on both energetic and economic aspects of thermal energy recovery.

Economic ventilation of single family houses. Ekonomisk ventilation i smahus.

Outlines necessary ventilation rates for an occupied room. Discusses natural ventilation of a room through openings in the ceiling. Discusses natural draught ventilation for single family houses, combined natural draught and mechanical ventilation, mechanical fresh air ventilation based on a central duct, fortuitous ventilation caused by air infiltration and leakage. Compares natural and mechanical ventilation. Considers supplyair systems for single family houses, warm air heating and possibilities for heat recovery.
