A comparison of various ventilation strategies and their effect on air infiltration using a pair of experimental single family size houses. Discusses natural ventilation with and without ventilation grilles in the windows, centralized and decentralized mechanical ventilation. Concludes that mechanical ventilation is not economic at present energy prices.
Diffusion-type passive monitors were placed for a two-week period in each of 303 residences in the New Haven (Conn.) area during a 12 week sampling period January to April 1983. For each home NO2 levels were recorded outdoors, and in three ro
A survey of retrofitting possibilities for the amateur. Air infiltration, air quality, insulation and heat flow are described simply. Detailed examples are given of retrofitted houses. Various products available in Canada are listed. Concentrates on vapour barrier details and external retrofits and refers mainly to timber-framed houses.
A matched pair of identical mobile homes, one supplied with electric heating and cooking utilities and the other with propane gas utilities, were used to evaluate, over a 14-month period, various factors which may affect indoor formaldehyde c
Formaldehyde concentrations and ventilation rates in Finnish housing were measured. Results are discussed with reference to the recommended minimum ventilation rate of 0.5 ach.
Evaluates the space-conditioning energy conservation potentials of landscapes designed to ameliorate building microclimates. The physical bases for vegetative modifications of climate are discussed, and results of past study of the effects of vegetation on space-conditioning energy consumption in buildings are reviewed. The state-of-the-art of energy-conserving landscape designs is assessed and recommendations are presented for further research. Landscaping mobile houses and single family dwellings is considered.
Due to better insulation and improved airtightness of doors and windows, the supply of fresh air entering a room has been greatly reduced. This in turn causes an increase in the amount of pollutants emitted by different insulation and building materials. Measurements of the formaldehyde concentration in newbuildings have shown that the admissible limits are still exceeded even after a year. Stricter regulations limiting the emissions of pollutants are therefore urgently necessary.
Measurements of radon and radon daughters in 11 buildings in five states, using active or passive solar heating showed no significant increase in concentration over the levels measured in buildings with conventional heating systems. Radon levels in two buildings using rock storage in their active solar systems exceeded the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's 10 CFR 20 limit of 3 pCi/l for continuous exposure. In the remainder of the buildings, radon concentrations were found to be at levels considered to be normal.
A minimum ventilation rate of 25 m3 per person per hour or 1.5 air changes per hour for homes in the Netherlands is discussed. Difficulties in stimulating awareness of adequate ventilation amongst residents in homes with low ventilation rates of 0.5 to 1 ach is covered.
Radon concentrations were measured in about 1000 Dutch dwellings and at 200 outside locations using passive monitors. A median concentration of 24 Bq/m3 was found for the dwellings with a highest value of 190 Bq/m3. Seasonal effects were found to be small. Correlations were observed between median radon concentrations and construction parameters including ventilation rate. The concentrations outside show an unexpected dependence on the location. Comparison with previous grab-sampling data on radon-daughter concentrations reveals an average equilibrium factor of 0.3.