Indoor Climate and Design Criteria

Save energy and still have excellent indoor air quality.

By using balanced, mechanical ventilation with a high efficiency regenerative heat exchanger it is possible to achieve twice the ventilation rote required by the Norwegian Building Code, and still consume less than half the normal amount of energy. This is the conclusion drawn from extensive measurements made in a Norwegian single Family home last winter. The measurements were made by the EMTEK-programme, which is a Norwegian government programme to promote the introduction of energy efficient products.

Healthy house construction

The model demonstration house described in this paper was designed to optimize occupant health by minimizing indoor air pollution. This was accomplished by the use of three primary principles:  ELIMINATION, SEPARATION, AND VENm.ATION.1 Pollutant source strength reduction has come to be regarded as the most effective method of reducing indoor pollution. This is often easily achieved by ELIMINATING potentially polluting materials wherever possible, and using more benign low outgassing materials instead.

Introduction to blower doors.

Now a widely used diagnostic tool, blower doors have revolutionized the way most professionals approach retrofit work. This introduction explains how blower doors work, what can be gained from their use, and what a typical blower door test involves.
