The first Dutch Passive house and Plus energy schools: some Dutch IAQ experiences in schools

Ventilation is especially important to get a good Indoor Air Quality in schools. This is important as the young children have very vulnerable still developing longs which are very sensitive to all kind of pollutions. During the last decade different types of sustainable schools were built. The first schools were like very well insulated schools up to the Passive House standard. The next step in this development are schools which generate more energy hat they need themselves: Plus Energy schools. In 2011 a first school of this type was built in the Netherlands.

Detailed analysis of regulatory compliance controls of 1287 dwellings ventilation systems

Ventilation’s historical goal has been to assure sufficient air change rates in buildings from a hygienic point of view. Regarding its potential impact on energy consumption, ventilation is being reconsidered. An important challenge for low energy buildings lies in the need to master airflows through the building envelope.

A multi-criterion method for examining the health and energy impacts of air change rates in dwellings

The global requirement to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions places an increased emphasis on reducing energy demand associated with dwellings. Where improved energy efficiency is in part achieved by tighter control of ventilation, there is potential for both positive and negative impacts on health from reduced air exchange in the indoor environment. Although increased air tightness may help improve indoor temperatures and reduce the ingress of pollutants from the external environment, it may increase concentrations of those from indoor sources.

Residential ventilation system performance: Outcomes of a field study in the Netherlands

This paper describes the results of a Dutch national study into performance of mechanical ventilation systems and its effect on the self-reported health and perceived indoor environmental quality of occupants.

Why We Ventilate

It is widely accepted that ventilation is critical for providing good indoor air quality (IAQ) in homes. However, the definition of "good" IAQ, and the most effective, energy efficient methods for delivering it are still matters of research and debate. This paper presents the results of work done at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab to identify the air pollutants that drive the need for ventilation as part of a larger effort to develop a health-based ventilation standard.

Performances of DAHT connected to building airtightness and indoor hygrothermal climate

As building insulation level increases, the coupling of ventilation systems with building enveloppe airtightness becomes an important issue in order to improve buildings energy performances. A building ventilation model can be built on a set of resistances and generators in order to handle infiltration, natural ventilation as well as fan driven air flows. The model is able to assess the indoor air humidity level and the building energy balance.

Impact of the filtration system on the indoor-outdoor particles concentration relationships in an air conditioned office building

The objective of this study is to measure the impact of various classes of filters in the HVAC system on the IAQ in an office building. It aims at understanding outdoor-indoor concentrations and filtration relashionships in order to guide filtration system designs.

Measurement of pollutant emissions in two similar very low energy houses with cast concrete and timber frame

This article is devoted to Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in two low energy houses, with different frames (cast concrete (I-BB) and timber frame (I-OB)) built in platform INCAS of INES (National Institute of Solar Energy -in french: Institut National de l’Energie Solaire). In order to quantify pollutant emissions due to building materials and products, an experimental protocol consisted in stopping ventilation systems -”balanced ventilation”- of each house (a little before and during the measurement campaign), closing doors and windows, and not allowing occupant.

Control and performance of innovative ventilation systems in low energy buildings: A studied case

As part of a project aiming at assessing ventilation in low energy buildings, this study analyses the performance of innovative ventilation systems used in a single-family building. Five ventilation systems are investigated by simulation using SIMBAD Building and HVAC Toolbox. The results then show better performance in terms of energy demand and indoor air quality (IAQ) for balanced ventilation systems, either permanent or intermittent management.

Ventilation rates and IAQ in European standards and national regulations

This paper presents some results from the Work Package 5 in the HealthVent project supported by the European Commission. One of the objectives of the project has been to review and critically evaluate the existing requirements on ventilation and IAQ defined in national building codes and European standards. The project’s focus has been set on ventilation rates, pollutants, noise, temperature and draft in dwellings, offices, schools and kindergartens. This paper presents a summary of the values given in European regulations and results of comparisons.
