Excess cancer risk and its damage cost due to indoor air pollution in Seoul

We gathered exposure data on indoor air pollution and investigated the dose-response slopefactor for indoor air pollutants, such as volatile organic compounds, aldehydes and radon.Population cancer risks (that is the theoretical cancer deaths) were estimated from exposure tothe pollutants. In addition, the damage costs, due to their risks, were estimated usingwillingness to pay and value of a statistical life, which were investigated by a dichotomouscontingent valuation method.

Reliability of cross-seasonal memory of environmental conditions and symptoms

In some indoor environment surveys, respondents are asked to recall conditions acrossseasons (e.g. to recall summer conditions during a winter survey). This study assessed thereliability of such recall, based on a survey of 728 people in 12 UK office buildings. In bothwinter and summer, the questions addressed both summer and winter conditions, andbuilding-related symptoms. Correlations were calculated between equivalent responses ineach season (e.g. odour in winter, as rated in the summer and winter surveys). The bestcorrelated IAQ questions were those concerning specific smells (e.g.

Comparison of two IAQ calculation methods

Calculating the contamination concentrations in a space or the required ventilation for a spacehas been a difficult and confusing part in the application of the IAQ Procedure ofANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality. Appendix D ofASHRAE Standard 62 currently presents one method for performing these calculations, but itis limited to the steady-state analysis of a single zone.

Indoor air quality and sick building syndrome of office buildings in Taiwan

Our study conducted serial measurements of indoor air quality and sick building syndrome (SBS) of employees in eight air-conditioned office buildings to examine the association between indoor air pollution and the reporting symptoms of SBS. Airborne microbes, carbon dioxide (CO2), particulate matter (PM10), formaldehyde, and total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) were measured in every test space within the buildings. Frequency of reporting symptoms and other environmental variables were documented by self-administrated questionnaires.

Ranking indoor pollutants according to their potential health effect, for action priorities and costs optimization in the French permanent survey on indoor air quality

The first survey of the ‘French permanent survey on Indoor Air Quality’ will start in 2003 on a random sample of 710 dwellings. To optimize the study cost, a ranking method was developed for prioritizing 70 pollutants including chemical and biological age

Energy efficient air-conditioning and air distribution system for improved indoor air quality

The quality of air in the indoor environment is dependent on the nature and source of indoorpollutants and the performance of the ventilation system. Increased dilution in a tropical contextimplies a high energy penalty. This paper presents a novel method of addressing IAQ and energyissues. An innovative energy efficient method and means of air-conditioning for an independentcontrol of temperature and humidity of two different air streams has been developed.

Potential IAQ and energy benefits achievable with personalized air supply

In this paper, the very recent laboratory research results on personalized air supply (PAS)from three universities are critically reviewed. Based upon these experimental results, thepotential improvements on inhaled air quality versus indoor air quality are analysed in termsof reduced air pollutant levels in the inhaled air. Depending on the configuration of the PAStested, up to 80% reduction of pollutant levels in the inhaled air can be achieved at the sametotal ventilation rate of the present mixed ventilation methods.

Can we achieve energy efficiency and good IAQ in buildings?

Air-conditioning and ventilation systems, which help to maintain the indoor environment ofbuildings, account for more than half of the energy consumed in them. While it is necessary toimprove the energy efficiency of buildings due to economic and environmental reasons, it isimportant to do so without compromising their indoor environment. Various optimizingstrategies for air-conditioning and ventilation systems that help to improve energy efficiencywhile enhancing the quality of the indoor environment of buildings are described in this paper.

Fuzzy controllers for HVAC-VAV systems to maintain IAQ

The term air conditioning not only prescribes comfort temperature and the relative humidity,but also the quality of air inside the room. Indoor air quality (IAQ) has become a concomitantof air conditioning. The pollutants generated inside the room affect the quality of air inside theroom. The major pollutants considered are CO2, sulfur dioxide, toluene, etc. Monitoring andcontrolling of all the pollutants is cumbersome. CO2 is considered as the surrogate index ofpollutants. Appendix D of the ASHRAE standards 62-1999 recommends a ventilation rate of15 cfm per person.

Survey of indoor air quality in three indoor swimming pools

The survey concerned three swimming pools using a similar type of basic water treatment, buthaving different structures and ventilation systems. The survey included measuring air currentvelocities above the pools and studying the microbiological and physico-chemical quality ofthe pool water. In addition, microbes were determined from the indoor air, structures andventilation systems, and airborne particles and volatile organic compounds from the indoor airsamples. The total particle concentration of the indoor air and their size distribution variedbetween the swimming pools.
