After several cases of health problems in French schools, a methodology for health riskassessment related to indoor air quality (IAQ) was required. Based on measuredconcentrations in schools where acute symptoms possibly due to exposure to airborne sensoryirritants were reported, an index quantifying the sensory irritation potential was built andused. This paper focuses on one classroom where the index was successively applied withoutany ventilation system, after the implementation of passive ventilation grids and with amechanically controlled ventilation.
This paper reviews the previous attempts to evaluate the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ),investigates previously proposed IAQ factors and analyses the evaluation methods of thesefactors. The present work also introduces a new hypothesis of the optimum HVAC airsidesystem design of the surgical operating theatres to achieve the comfort and hygiene levels.The present work is devoted to propose and formulate a new scale capable of adequatelyevaluating the airflow pattern in the surgical operating theatres. The proposed new scale isproposed to cover the local and overall air quality evaluations.
Split system air-conditioning units are commonly employed in residential buildings inthe tropics due to their convenience in terms of energy conservation, aesthetics,flexibility, acoustic performance and ease of operation. This paper presents ourfindings from a recent study of the IAQ and ventilation characteristics in a masterbed-room of a condominium unit in Singapore, employed with a split system airconditioningunit. The attached bathroom is equipped with an exhaust fan, whoseoperation and its impact on the resulting IAQ and ventilation characteristics was alsostudied.
The performance of a Personalized Ventilation (PV) system with regard to air qualityperceived by people was studied at three room temperature levels: 23, 26 and 29C. Thirtyhuman subjects participated in the experiment. The system supplied both isothermal (23, 26,29C) and non-isothermal (23C) outdoor air from an outlet attached to a moveable arm. Thesubjects were delegated with control of both airflow velocity and its direction. Physicalmeasurements performed with a breathing thermal manikin were used to explain the resultsfrom the human subject experiments.
Continuous measurements have been operated on 28 identical low energy houses near Leipzig (Germany) during two years.The houses face due south, have two levels and one occupied attic, with a total aera of 147 m2. Heating period is from September to May. All houses except 2 were equipped with different mechanical ventilation systems, providing about 180 m3/hr of fresh air : central balanced flue systems with heat recovery, air heating system with heat recovery, central exhaust ventilation with heat recovery by heat pump, room mechanical ventilation systems.
The system of education in Poland is affected by rapid and deep political, organizational,demographic and financial changes. Although requirements for indoor air quality aredescribed in detail in Polish building codes and standards, the real state of indoor environmentin classrooms is not well documented. However, published studies show that in schools withconventional stack ventilation indoor air quality is rather poor. Unintentionally, very oftenproblems are related to modernized buildings where energy conservation measures have beenapplied.
In this study, we attempt to investigate the level of indoor air pollution and to evaluate itshealth effects on the subjects exposed to pollution in Beijing. About 270 households (90 perdistrict) were selected randomly from three districts (90 per district), representing theindustrial, old downtown and cultural/educational areas of Beijing. The concentrations ofPM10, PM2.5 and SO2 in indoor air were measured in the bedroom and the kitchen of thesubjects homes.
The article compares the definitions and requirements in various standards (ASHRAE 62, DIN 1946, CEN CR 1752, CIBSE guide A, ISO TC 205) related to ventilation and indoor air quality in terms of health, comfort and productivity. It explains how standards, especially CEN CR 1752, define indoor air pollution (use of olf and decipol as well as carbon dioxyde and water vapour concentrations) and outdoor air pollution .
Indoor air is complex with its pollutants constantly changing (in time, spatial distribution and proportions). Furthermore distinction between organic compounds and particles becomes ambiguous.So developing a valid Indoor Air Pollution Indice becomes difficult : a symptom has usually different causes, and a given pollutant brings different effects alone or in combinaison with other kinds of exposure.
The variables that can be quantified in biological systems are called biomarkers. In a broadest sense biomarkers are substitute measures used because the variable of interest cannot be measured for practical, economical or principal reasons.The quality of a substitute measure refers to the quality of the predictions which can be made based on it. Those predictions must have a very low frequency of mistakes.The indices cannot be used alone unless better documentation of the quality of their predictions is established.