Split system air-conditioning units are commonly employed in residential buildings inthe tropics due to their convenience in terms of energy conservation, aesthetics,flexibility, acoustic performance and ease of operation. This paper presents ourfindings from a recent study of the IAQ and ventilation characteristics in a masterbed-room of a condominium unit in Singapore, employed with a split system airconditioningunit. The attached bathroom is equipped with an exhaust fan, whoseoperation and its impact on the resulting IAQ and ventilation characteristics was alsostudied. Four adults occupied the room throughout the course of the experiments. Itwas observed that the carbon dioxide level in the bed room can exceed 2000 ppmwithout the exhaust fan in about two hours. The operation of the exhaust fan quicklylowered the level of carbon dioxide to about 1000 ppm. The findings suggest the needto design for ventilation provision in split system air-conditioning units.
Ventilation and IAQ performance of a typical split-system air-conditioning unit in a residential apartment in singapore
Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 2, pp 351-356, 3 Fig., 1 Tab., 4 Ref.