How do the indoor size distributions of airborne submicron and ultrafine particles in the absence of significant indoor sources depend on outdoor distributions ?

The inhabitants of Central Europe spend more of their time indoors. And indoor pollutants often affect human health more than the outdoor pollutants. This study aims at analysing how the indoor size distributions of submicron and ultrafine particles depends on outdoor distributions.
In the absence of indoor sources, concentrations of particulates are lower than in outdoor concentrations.

Integrated IAQ model for prediction of VOC emissions from building material

An integrated IAQ model has been developed for prediction of Volatile Organic Compounds emission rate of building material and concentration distribution within a material.Experimental data have validated the model predictions. The results of the experiment tallied with the model predictions.

Indoor air quality, ventilation and health symptoms in schools. An analysis of existing information

This paper is a review and an exploration of the literature on indoor air quality in schools and the reported health problems related to it.The aim of that review was to identify health symptoms the most commonly reported in schools ;then to sum-up the existing measurement data on ventilation rate, CO2 concentrations and VOCs and biological contaminants in schools ; then sto um-up the information that exists on causal relationship between pollutant exposures and health symptoms in shools.

Measurement and simulation of indoor air quality and energy consumption in two Shangaï office buildings with variable air volume systems

For that study, computer simulations and calculations of outdoor airflow rates and indoor air quality were made in parallel with site measurements in two Shanga office buildings equipped with typical Variable Air Volume systems.In addition to those site measurements, electrical consumption was recorded. Simulations and calculations of the electrical consumption and energy cost were performed.The site recorded data and the simulations results have been then compared and analyzed.

Development and application of an indoor air quality audit to an air-conditioned tertiary institutional building in the tropics

This paper is the presentation of the development and application of an IAQ audit methodology applied in tertiary institutional buildings in the tropics. For that study, a staff room and a typical lecture theatre have been selected.The IAQ audit consisted in monitoring thermal comfort parameters. In parallel the staff and students have answered a questionnaire to give a subjective assessment of the indoor air quality.The IAQ results will be then used to develop an IAQ database for institutional buildings in Singapore.

Indoor air quality and energy issues of refrigerant modulating air-conditioning systems in the tropics

Due to its simplicity in installation and maintenance on the one hand, and to its potential to conserve energy on the other hand, the refrigerant modulating air-conditioning system has become very popular. This paper presents the results of an IAQ energy audit of two buildings in Singapore that use that kind of system. The results are compared to those obtained from conventional air-conditioning systems.

Why, when and how do HVAC-systems pollute the indoor environment and what to do about it ? The European AIRLESS project

The objective of the European project AIRLESS was to develop strategies, principles and protocols to improve and control the performance of HVAC systems and their components to be incorporated in codes and guidelines.This paper is a sum-up fo the first-phase of the AIRLESS project : definition of air pollution caused by HVAC systems, investigation to prevent this pollution and definition of strategies to keep away that pollution.

Building materials VOC emissions - a systematic parametric study

This paper gives the description of a four-factor simulation design and a statistical procedure for analyzing material VOC time sensitivities with regard to the following parameter variations : VOC diffusion coefficient, VOC partition coefficient, material thickness, surface air velocity, along with their interaction effects.

The influence of heat and contaminant source nonuniformity on the performance of three different room air distribution methods

The efficiency of an air diffusion system consists of two factors. The first is the ability of the system to remove heat and contaminants out of the ventilated room. This is most often characterized using temperature removal and contaminant removal efficiency. The second, seldom considered, factor is the uniformity of the temperature and contaminant distribution within the ventilated space. This factor describes how much the maximum contaminant concentration or minimum temperature differs from the average value.

Influence of the floor-based obstructions on contaminant removal efficiency and effectiveness

The contaminant removal efficiency and the uniformity of contaminant concentration in the occupied zone of a room were studied in scale model with the following varying parameters : occupied zone obstruction level, air distribution system, air change rate, cooling load, contaminant sources distribution.
Results show that obstruction level, air distribution system, air change rate and cooling load have a small influence on contaminant removal efficiency and uniformity of contaminant concentration.
