Planning of ventilation for a large parking space by using temperature difference

We designed a roofed parking lot for a large wholesale market in Sapporo City to protect trucks and cars from snow and rain. Every day, the area attracts a large number of vehicles including trucks. Drivers often leave the engines running for heating in winter and cooling in summer. Exhaust gases poison the air, creating a serious environmental problem. The roof of the new parking lot is equipped with two kinds of chimneys, such as high chimneys to exhaust waste air and low chimneys to supply fresh air.

Economical impact of improved air quality in office buildings in cold climate

The annual energy cost and first cost of the HVAC system, life-cycle costs (LCC) and benefits of improved productivity were simulated in an office building located in a cold climate when improvements of air quality were made by increasing the outdoor air supply rate and by reducing the pollution loads. The building was ventilated by a variable air volume (VAV) system with an economizer or a constant air volume (CAV) system with heat recovery. The pollution loads were assumed to be similar to those in a non-low-polluting or low-polluting building.

Impact of resident behavior versus ventilation system design in indoor air quality and human health

This paper describes a study of reduced performance of mechanical exhaust systems in 42 Dutch houses after several years of operation. It also describes the effect of reduced ventilation on air quality and the perception and use of the ventilation system by residents. The guanine contents of dust samples taken from the sleeping room were determined to assess the risk of allergy.

Installation of a ultraviolet irradiation system, type C, plant and its influence on indoor air quality

We have investigated the effect of UVC on IAQ in a ventilation plant in a typical office building. The UVC-system consisted of UVC-lights for irradiation on all central components in the air handling unit. A similar ventilation plant, but without UVC, was chosen as a reference plant. Microorganisms on surfaces, living airborne mould spores and MVOC (Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds) were sampled throughout the ventilation plant and in corresponding rooms before and after UVC-irradiation. In addition, parallel measurements in the reference plant were conducted.

Air quality in offices, impact of ventilation rate, ozone and limonene

The objective of this study has been to clarify to what extent ozone (O3) and O3 /limonene in interaction with surface materials has an impact on the indoor air quality in typical low-polluting offices at realistic outdoor air change rates. Three similar offices furnished with the same materials and ventilated with charcoal filtered outdoor air were used in the study. Eight environmental conditions with different realistic combinations of air change rate, O3 and limonene levels were studied.

The effect of painting at home with a modern paint

The effect on Indoor Air quality of painting at home has been debated. This paper presents a case study where a normal Scandinavian two-bedroom apartment has been refurnished with new paint on the walls and ceilings and the VOC emissions have been measured during eight weeks. Low-emitting wall and ceiling paint was selected for the study and a paint shop rolled two layers of new paint on the walls and ceilings in two rooms. Parallell the paints were applied to glass plates according to the Scandinavian trade standard and investigated with the FLEC method in the laboratory.

Measurement of the air quality in hospitals Messung der Luftqualität im Krankenhaus

This article shows results of air quality measurements (airborne moulds, microbes and particles) operated in summer and winter in an hospital in Japan.

The effect of external conditions on indoor air quality in new buildings

The development of indoor air quality was studied in three newly finished buildings in Helsinki, Finland during the years 2000-2002. The concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOC), formaldehyde and ammonia, for which the Finnish Classification of Indoor Climate 2000 gives target values, in indoor air as well as the air exchange rate, relative humidity and temperature were determined for the newly finished buildings and 6- 12 months after the buildings had been taken in use.

The 3-year follow-up study in a block of flats - experiences in the use of the Finnish indoor climate classification

The investigation was made in a Finnish building built for people with respiratory diseases. During 3 years the main indoor air parameters were measured. In parallel a questionnaire to evaluate symptoms of the occupants and their satisfaction was conducted.The experiment proved that the use of low emitting building materials, along with a high quality control of the building practices during the contruction phases, gave full satisfaction to the occupants (decrease of their symptoms during the 3 year-occupancy).With low additional costs a high IAQ can be obtained.
